Nazi Germany

  • Armistice Signed

    Kaiser Wilhelm II abdicated shortly before the armistice was signed.
  • Spartacist Uprising

    Communists that wanted power in Germany attempted to take the government by force.
  • First Election

    Ebert's party, the Social Democrats, won the 1919 election of the Weimar Republic.
  • Kapp Putsch

    Friekorps rebellion to take over the government. Was brought down by a general strike by the workers of Berlin.
  • Reparations Decided

    Germany's amount of reparations to be paid was decided at the London Schedule of Payments at 132 billion gold marks.
  • Grey Day by George Grosz

    Part of the cultural revival of Germany.
  • French Invade the Ruhr

    Germany had been repeatably defaulting on their reparations payments, so French and Belgian troops occupied the region to encourage the Germans to pay up. The Weimar Republic combatted this by encouraging passive resistance (i.e. strikes) in the Ruhr.
  • Hyperinflation

    In an effort to pay for reparations, the Weimar Republic printed off more money. This led to a devastating amount of inflation in Germany and the German currency collapsed.
  • Gustav Stresemann Appointed Chancellor and Foreign Minister

    Gustav Stresemann is appointed the chancellor and the foreign minister of the Weimar Republic. He planned to fix the economic issues facing the Weimar Republic at the time by ending passive resistance (i.e. strikes) in the Ruhr, the industrial center of Germany; making a new currency, the Rentenmark; and resuming reparation payments to the Allies. He facilitated the creation of the Dawes Plan with the U.S. and he got Germany from hated and mistreated to a true economic power in the world.
  • Dawes Plan

    U.S. spends money, Germany gets money, Germany pays money to Britain and France, and Britain and France pay the moneuy back to the U.S. So, basically, solving the world's economic issues while technically spending no money at all. A permanent currency, the Reichmark, replaced the Rentenmark as well as the U.S. loaning Germany 800 million gold marks to Germany to help rebuild their economy and help Germany pay reparations to France and Britain.
  • The Magic Mountain by Thomas Mann

    Part of the cultural revival of Germany.
  • Bauhaus Architectural Movement by Walter Gropius

    Part of the cultural revival of Germany.
  • France Withdraws Troops from the Ruhr

    France accepts the terms of the Dawes Plan of 1924 and withdraws their troops from the Ruhr.
  • Germany is Accepted into the League of Nations

    Germany is allowed to join the League of Nations, despite the Treaty of Versailles explicitely stating that Germany would never be allowed to join the League of Nations.
  • Metropolis by Fritz Lang

    Part of the cultural revival of Germany.
  • Steppenwolf by Herman Hesse

    Part of the cultural revival of Germany.
  • 1928 Elections

    The Communists and the Nazis got 13% of the vote.
  • Big City by Otto Dix

    Part of the cultural revival of Germany.
  • The Threepenny Opera by Bertolt Brecht and Kurt Weill

    Part of the cultural revival of Germany.
  • All Quiet on the Western Front by Erich Remarque

    Part of the cultural revival of Germany.
  • The Young Plan of 1929 Replaces the Dawes Plan of 1924

    The Young Plan of 1929 either replaced or improved the Dawes Plan of 1924. It further reduced reparations and eased the economic strain on Germany.
  • The Blue Angel by Josef von Sternberg

    Part of the cultural revival of Germany.
  • 1930 Election

    The Communists and the Nazis got 31% of the vote.
  • 1932 Election 1

    Communists and Nazis had 52% of the vote.
  • 1932 Election 2

    Communists and Nazis had 52% of the vote.