Niels bohr

Neils Bohr's Life

  • Neils Bohr's Birth

    Neils Bohr's Birth
    Neils Bohr was born in Copenhagen and is the son of Christian and Ellen Bohr
  • Period: to

    Niels Bohr's Life

    This is the events that occured in Neils Bohr's Life that are historical to until now. By Jeff Christensen
  • Neils Bohr gets Married

    Neils Bohr gets Married
    Neils Bohr marries Margrethe Norlund and have six kids (two die) which further on become very successful adults.
  • Neils Bohr founds the Institute of Theoretical Physics

    Neils Bohr founds the Institute of Theoretical Physics
    Neils Bohr founds the Institute of Theoretical Physics which knows alot about and then becomes the director of it further on in his career.
  • Neils Bohr wins Nobel Prize for Physics

    Neils Bohr wins Nobel Prize for Physics
    Neils Bohr wins the Nobel Prize for Physics for his services in the investigation of the structure of atoms and the radiation emenating from them.
  • Neils Bohr debates quantom theory with Albert Einstein

    Neils Bohr debates quantom theory with Albert Einstein
  • Royal Society of London

    Royal Society of London
    Neils Bohr becomes a Fellow of the Royal Society of London and later on recieves the Royal Society Copley Medal in 1938.
  • International Atomic Energy Agency

    International Atomic Energy Agency
    Neils Bohr's ideas and work helps the International Atomic Energy Agency.
  • Atoms for Peace Award

    Atoms for Peace Award
    Neils Bohr was given the Atoms for Peace Award in 1957.
  • Period: to

    The Impact of Neils Bohr's Work

    The events in this timespan are the effects and sucesses that have happened since Niels Bohr died.
  • Niels Bohr Dies

    Niels Bohr Dies
    Neils Bohr dies in Copenhagen from a stroke.
  • Neils Bohr Institute

    Neils Bohr Institute
    The Institute of Physics at the University of Copenhagen chenged their name to the Niels Bohr Institute in honour of him.
  • 3948 Bohr

    3948 Bohr
    In 1985, Poul Jensen named the main belt asteroid 3948 after Neils Bohr.
  • Bohr picture on five hundred kronor

    Bohr picture on five hundred kronor
    Neils Bohr's image appears on Denmarks five hundred kronor bill
  • Neil Bohr

    Neil Bohr
    Neils Bohr is believed to be one of the most influential scientists of the 20th century and without him their would be many scientific questions left unanswered.
  • "An expert is a man who has made all the mistakes which can be made, in a very narrow field"

     "An expert is a man who has made all the mistakes which can be made, in a very narrow field"
    This is a famous Neils Bohr quote.