Nero timeline

By 54211
  • 37

    Imperator Nero Cladius Divi Claudius filius Caesar Augustus Germanicus (Nero) is born

    Born originally as Lucius Domitius Ahenobarbus, he was the only child of Julia Agrippina and Gnaeus Domitius Ahenobarbus.
  • Period: 37 to 68

    Nero's life

    Nero's birth to death
  • 41

    His father dies

    Gnaeus Domitius Ahenobarbus died of Edema in Pyrgi, in modern day Lazio, Italy.
  • 50

    Claudius adopts him as his son

    He was adopted at age 13 by his great-uncle Claudius, as his father had died when he was 2.
  • 54

    He becomes ruler

    The previous Emperor Claudius died suddenly at 63, and some sources suggest that his wife fed him poisoned mushrooms. The 17 year old Nero was next in line for the throne.
  • 60

    Boudicca starts a revolt in Britain

    The Romans took the lands of Prasutagus, an independent British ally of Rome, upon his death. Boudicca objected to this, and she was flogged and her two daughters were raped. She then raised a rebellion, attacking Roman cities in Britain.
  • 62

    Divorces and kills Octavia

    Nero banished Octavia to Campania on the false charge of adultery with Nero's brother. The public was outraged at this, so they nearly remarried. Instead she was bound, and her veined were opened in the traditional Roman suicide fashion.
  • 62

    Marries Poppaea Sabina

    Poppaea was previously married to Nero's friend Otho, but remarried to him and became an empress.
  • 64

    Great Fire of Rome takes place

    The Great Fire of Rome was an urban fire in 64 CE. It took 6 days to stop, and it caused huge devastation across Rome.
  • 64

    Construction on the Domus Aurea begins

    The Domus Aurea was a large palace built by Nero in the heart of Rome, on property that had been burnt down during the Great Fire. It was a major reason why so many people suspected Nero of starting the Great Fire.
  • 68

    Nero dies

    Multiple governors revolted against Nero, and most of Rome was on their side. The Senate declared that he was a public enemy and was to be beaten to death. Nero then killed himself.