
By dzemila
  • Creation of the National Guard

    Creation of the National Guard
    Nicaragua's National Guard was created, leading to the removal of US marines in August of 1925. The government was torn apart. Calvin B Carter, a retired US army major, made a contract with Nicaragua's government to head Nicaragua's National Guard as well as its training school. This information came from University of California, San Diego.
  • US Marines in Managua

    US Marines in Managua
    US marines were sent back to Managua, increasing mayhem, fighting, and tension. President Calvin Coolidge was the one who sent the marines to Nicaragua. He did so in hopes protecting American interest. Additionally, he authorized the sale of weapons to the Diaz government. This information came from Air University.
  • Hoover's Withdrawals

    Hoover's Withdrawals
    President Herbert Hoover withdrew American marines from Nicaragua when his presidency was coming to an end. He did so due to the Great Depression, outrage over growing marine casualty list, and desire to better relations with Latin America. In doing so, he backed up his Good Neighbor Policy to better relations with South America. This information came from the Miller Center of UVA.
  • Somoza Garcia as President

    Somoza Garcia as President
    Somoza Garcia forced his uncle to resign his presidency and made Congress name him the new president. This was the foundation of the Somoza dynasty. Garcia always had political control, whether he was president or not, because he had the ability to control politicians. As president, he continued to divide his political opponents. This information came from the US Library of Congress.
  • Somoza Garcia's Assassination

    Somoza Garcia's Assassination
    Somoza Garcia was assassinated by a citizen who hated him as many of his policies made people become his enemy. He changed the presidential succession so that the National Guard director (his son) would take after him. A political repression campaign came after Garcia's death, one where his political opponents were tortured and imprisoned. This information came from the US Library of Congress.
  • Sandinista National Liberation Front

    Sandinista National Liberation Front
    The Sandinista National Liberation Front was formed. It challenged Nicaragua's National Guard militarily in the 1970s with the help of foreign nations. The liberation front was based on Marxist-Leninist teachings and aimed to unite Nicaraguan workers and peasants to overthrow the capitalist Somoza dynasty. This information comes from Brown University.
  • Anastasio Somoza Debayle's Rise to Power

    Anastasio Somoza Debayle's Rise to Power
    Anastasio Somoza Debayle came into power officially after Luis Somoza Debayle died of a heart attack. Anastasio continuously increased political repression through his rule. He ordered guards to imprison and torture political opponents of Somoza Garcia. He also suspended civil liberties and enforced press censorship. This information came from the US Library of Congress.
  • Managua Earthquake

    Managua Earthquake
    An earthquake destroyed Managua, allowing the National Guard to loot the city. Most collected money went to the Somoza family instead of victims. Nicaraguan citizens found out where the money was going, causing even more unrest. Anastasio's support dwindled and a labor movement was started, increasing opposition to Anastasio and his regime. This information was found at the US Library of Congress.