Tie a noose step 10 version 4

Night_ Axis De Guzman

  • Deportation to the ghettos

    Deportation to the ghettos
    Sentence: In this part of the timeline, Elie and the rest of the Jews were forced by the Germans to move into the two ghettos.
    Negative character development: In the ghettos he see's how God does nothing to help the people and doubts his faith for him.
    Theme Relevance: This relates to the theme because Elie is starting to lose faith in God.
  • Cattle cars

    Cattle cars
    Sentence: The Jews were being moved to Auschwitz-Birkenau after selection. During the time they were in the cattle cars, Elie witnesses a woman, named Mrs. Schächter, go crazy after being separated from her family.
    Negative character development:
  • The Jews of Sighet are brought to Auschwitz

    The Jews of Sighet are brought to Auschwitz
    Sentence: After 3 weeks in the cattle cars, Elie's family and the other Jews arrive at Auschwitz. This is where Elie's mother was killed with the other Jews who failed selection.
    Negative character development: Elie witnesses the cruelty of the Germans and can't believe that God has justice
    Theme Relevance: This relates to the theme because Elie believes in God less.
  • Elie gets transferred to Buna

    Elie gets transferred to Buna
    Sentence: After being forced to run as fast as they can towards Buna, Elie and his father were given a Kommando. After a few days of staying in Buna, Elie witnesses two men and a young boy getting hanged.
    Turning Point: This point in the story is negative to Elie's story because he loses all hope in God.
    Theme Relevance: This relates to the theme because Elie loses all of his faith in God.
  • Death March

    Death March
    Sentence: The Jews that occupied the Concentration camps are evacuated. The are forced to march for a long time.
    Negative Character Development: Elie is injured his foot and is forced to walk. His father dies in this part of the story, but he doesn't mourn.
    Theme Relevance: At this point Elie lost all his faith in God and doesn't care about him as much as he used to in the beginning of the story
  • Theme

    When times are rough, all your beliefs fade away.