

By vanflur
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    Trail of Tears

    In 1838 and 1839, as part of Andrew Jackson's Indian removal policy, the Cherokee nation was forced to give up its lands east of the Mississippi River and to migrate to an area in present-day Oklahoma.
    It was given its name by the Cherokee Tribe because of the devastating things that had happened to the tribes while migrating
    The tribes were:
  • Oklahoma Land Rush

    Oklahoma Land Rush
    The start of the Land Rush and Oklahoma´s Land Rush
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    Land Rush

    The Land Rush Began on April 22, 1889 and ended in 1895. there is no specific date that it ended but that is okay. Land Rushes are unassigned lands being fought of by many people. A sooner is people who illegally went out to the lands and waited for the men to come and then stick their flag pole in the ground to claim a land.
  • StateHood

    Oklahoma Became A State on this date with a capitol of Guthrie.
  • Capitol

    The original capitol was Guthrie, but was moved to Oklahoma City in 1910
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    Dirty Thirties

    A series of years that the Dust Bowl Occured
  • Dust Bowl

    Dust Bowl
    The Dust Bowl officially started on this date, also know as Black Sunday. The Years were also know as the Dirty Thirties, Period of severe dust storms caused by plowing to much. The Dust Bowl affected Texas, Oklahoma,Kansas, Colorado, and New Mexico. They had many solutions such as Planting Trees, re-plowing,and conservation methods were all used.
  • Jim Thorpe´s Death

    Jim Thorpe´s Death
    Jim Thorpe was a American Athlete, born on May 28, 1887. He was very successful for winning Many Gold Metals. He was the first Native American to win a gold metal for his country.He was apart of the Sac and Fox Nation.Unfortunately he died on March 28. 1953
  • Oklahoma City Bombing

    Oklahoma City Bombing
    The Oklahoma City Bombing was a Domestic Terrorist car bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, done by Timothy McVeigh. He did this because he did not like the way they handled the Waco Siege. He was executed for his doing of the bombes.