• Berlin

    The Nazis used the games to promote the ideology of racial superiority. But the effort backfired when Jesse Owens, a black American track star, won four gold medals.
  • Rome

    South Africa was excluded because of its racist regime. Ethiopian marathon runner Abebe Bikila, running barefoot, became the first black African Olympic champion.
  • Mexico City

    Black American track stars Tommie Smith and John Carlos gave the Black Power salute during the award ceremony.
  • Moscow

    In protest of the massive invasion of Afghanistan, more than 60 western nations boycotted the moscow games. In response, the Soviet Union led a boycot of the Los Angeles games four years later.
  • Beijing

    The games sparked protests by human rights groups who claimed that allowing China to host the games legitimized its environmental and human rights violations.
  • Soshi

    Equal rights activists around the world gathered in proptest in the run-up to the Soshi games, a rsponse to Russia's so-called 'gay propaganda' ban.