Capitalism vs  communism by therazgar d696kv7 1

Origins and events of Capitalism vs Communism

  • Communist Manfesto

    Communist Manfesto
    The Communist Manifesto written largly by Karl Marx outlined the aims of Communism and denouced Capitalism. This Document also told the working class to rise up aainst the ruling classes and take over with a Commnist state or country. Start of communsm known as Marxism
  • President Harry Truman

    President Harry Truman
    The Presenditry of Harry Truman can caled totally anti Communist he hated all forms of the ideology an denied help to anyone who held comunnist ideas like the Vietnamese.
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    Berlin Blockade

    A period of time wher the Soviets blocked the food and other resources to West Berlin (Capitalist) and the West Germany airlifted food there to support them. this act was seen by counrties as aggression by the Soviet Union
  • NATO signed and founded

    NATO signed and founded
    The Noth Atlantic Treaty Organisation was signed, it was a military aliance and a counter treaty to the Soviet treaties and armies to the east. the counries that orignally signed the document are Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourgm, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, the United Kingdom and United States. These treaties also lead to more tension between the ideologies
  • ANZUS signed

    More InfomationThe Australian, New Zealand, United States Sercuity Treaty was another alliance in attacking the spread of communism
  • Warsaw Pact

    Warsaw Pact
    More Infomation
    The Warsaw Pact was the Communist version or counter alliance to NATO. this lead to more tension as both the US and USSR were making alliances for thier own ideology and forcing the other to counter thier actions.
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    Vetnam War

    More InfomationThis was a conflict beween France and Vietnam despite this it had a large role to play in the ideology clash as Ho Chi Minh tried to ask America for help but they dnied his people independence despite what they said about colonial independence. He then turnedto Moscow and comunism. WHen he again asked Truman's government for help they said no because of his political alignment. The US eventully helped the capalist side and USSR and China helped the Communists leading to more tension and conflict
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    Cuban missle Crisis

    This brief event was the confrontation of US and USSR between the USSR's nuclear missles in Cuba. War was threanteed and this this is pehaps the closest that the ideologies went to MAD and war