Outline of Muhammad's Life

  • 570

    Muhammad's birth

    Born in 570, his name means meaning "to praise, to glorify"
  • 576

    Death of his mother

    Once his mother died, he stayed with his paternal father
  • 585

    Worked as a shepherd

    He worked as a shepherd to pay his uncle
  • 595

    Muhammad gets married

    proposed to Khadija
  • 610

    First Revelation from God

    He felt an overpowering presence and was instructed to recite words that he attributed to God.
  • 613

    Started sharing his message

    Muhammad started to spread his teachings and revelations from God. They were compiled together to create the Quran
  • 622

    Invited to be Mediator

    Word had spread of Muhammad and his teachings, so he was asked to come be a mediator during the war.
  • 628

    Treaty signed

    Gave Muslims freedom to move throughout Arabia
  • 630

    Shift in Power

    Muhammad and his followers started to have more power than Mecca.
  • 632

    Muhammad's death

    Died of an illness, but his teachings live on even today.