Outline of Muhammad's Life

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    He was born in mecca. His father died very shortly after he was born.
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    The Death of his mother

    The Death of his mother
    His mother passed away when he was still a young child, only 6 years old.
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    Muhammad was proposed to by the wealthy woman who employed him before. Her name was Khadijah and she was relatively old and was a widow.
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    The First Revelation

    The First Revelation
    While praying alone in a cave in Mecca, the angel Gabriel visits Muhammad. The revelations brought to him are very troubling.
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    Muhammad starts to preach publicly. He started out preaching to just his tribe, and ended up making life somewhat hard for them all. Other tribes had refused to trade with them due to his views on God.
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    Flee Muhammad!

    Flee Muhammad!
    When his uncle dies, Muhammad's clan protectionis revoked and he becomes targeted by assassins. He fled to Medina.
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    Battle of Badr

    Battle of Badr
    This battle was a huge victory for the Muslims. It was essentially a turning point for them.
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    Bloodless Conquest

    Bloodless Conquest
    Muhammad takes an army with him to complete his pilgrimage to Mecca. The Meccans do not fight them, so no one is killed.
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    After his last Pilgrimage, Muhammad returns to Medina where he dies a few months later due to illness.
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    His last Pilgrimage

    His last Pilgrimage
    Many Muslims come with Muhammad for his final pilgrimage. During this pilgrimage he delivers a famous speech that essentially leads to countless of years between Christians. This is because he basically says to start more conquests.