Palestine Israeli Conflict

  • War of Independence

    The British officially withdraw from Palestine, and the Jewish National Council proclaims the State of Israel. Neighboring Arab nations immediately invade.
  • Egypt takes control of Suez Canal

  • The Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) is formed.

  • The Arab-Israeli War of 1967 begins

    Israel launches an air attack on Egypt, Jordan, and Syria.
  • Yom Kippur War

    The the fourth and largest Arab-Israeli war begins when Egyptian and Syrian forces attack Israel.
  • Egyptian President Anwar Sadat makes a historic visit to Jerusalem

    Egyptian President Anwar Sadat makes a historic visit to Jerusalem to discuss a peace agreement and address the Knesset.
  • Egypt and Israel sign a formal peace treaty.

    This peace treaty ends 30 years of disagreements.
  • Palestinians living on the West Bank and the Gaza Strip begin riots.

  • Benjamin Netanyahu is elected prime minister of Israel.

  • Israel Pulls Remaining Troops out of Lebanon

  • Ariel Sharon Elected Prime Minister of Israel

  • Israel Launches Operation Defensive Shield

    Israeli defenses invade the West Bank.
  • Israel Begins Construction of West Bank Security Wall/Fence

    The wall is more than 200 miles long, roughly coinciding with Israel's 1967 border with the West Bank
  • Mahmoud Abbas Elected President of the Palestinian Authority