Panamal Canal

  • Roosevelt and the Canal

    Roosevelt and the Canal
    Spanish- American War, the U.S. Navy sent the battleship oregon from San Francisco to cuba. Roosevelt was determined to build the canal. He offered Columbus $10 million in cash and $250,000 yearly in rent to allow the U.S. states to build a canal through Panama.
  • Revolt in Panama

    Revolt in Panama
    A revolt took place, U.S. gunboats waited in the harbor to provide support for the rebels. U.S. marines landed in Colon to prevent hostile Colombian troops from reaching. Colombian soldiers were bribed $50 each to lay down their arms.
  • Treaty for the Panama Canal

    Treaty for the Panama Canal
    A frenchman supporting the canal signed a treaty that gave the U.S. permanent control of the isthmus of Panama. The U.S. agreed to pay $10 millon.
  • Begining to build

    Begining to build
    The U.S. governmant began to build a canal across Panama. Roosevelt established the Istmain Canal Comission. He order to "make the dirt fly."
  • Problems with Construction

    Problems with Construction
    Some major problems they faced were constructing big locks, blowing up land, cutting through mountains, and mudslides happened often. The canals locks helped ships get through unleaved land by lowering and raising the water level. Most workers were west indians and from african decendants. About 6000 workers lost their lives through out construction.
  • Yellow Fever

    Yellow Fever
    Yellow fever and malaria had began to spread rapidly Carlos Juan Finley found out that yellow fever was spread by mosquitos. William C. Gorgas, an American export on tropical diseases, cleared land and drained swamps in order to get rid of diseases. By 1906 Gorgas cleared yellow fever and reduced malaria in Panama.
  • The Opening

    The Opening
    The Panama Canal finally opened. The Atlantic and the Pacific had been joined. Panama made excess money. $7 million for the first six years.
  • summary

    It took a lot to build the Panama Canal. They had many obstacles along the way. After all they accomplished it. Today it is still working and able to use.
  • works cited

    google images
    the article you gave us
    my history book