Path to Presidency

  • Announcing Candidancy

    Around 526 days before election
  • Who Runs?

    Hilary Clinton
    Bernie Sanders
    Ben Carson
    Ted Cruz
    John Kasich
    Marco Rubio
    Donald Trump
  • How does money effect who runs?

    How does money effect who runs?
    The more money you have can be used for your campaigne the more people will want to vote for you, putting that canidate on top
  • Period: to

    Path to Presidency

  • The First Caucuse

    The First Caucuse
    -Takes place in Iowa
    -Members of a particular political party to select a canidate
    -People they target in their campaignes are their "Active Supporters" and the "Possible floating suppoters"
  • The first Primary election

    The first Primary election
    -Takes place in New Hampshire
    -Appoint delegates to a party conference or to select the candidates for a principal, especially presidential, election.
    -The point of it is to limit the amount of canidates to run for president
  • Super Tuesday

    Super Tuesday
    A dozen states will hold an election for both Republicans and Democrats. Republicans in Alaska and Democrats in Colorado will hold caucuses. Finally, Democrats in American Samoa are also holding their nominating contest.
  • Getting Ready for "Winner Takes All" States

    -Groups of Republican Ted Cruz presidental ambitions launches a new Super PAC to help prepare him for the "winner takes all" states
    -Super PAC- may not make contributions to candidate campaigns or parties, but may engage in unlimited political spending independently of the campaigns
  • Kansas Caucus and Louisiana Primary occur after Super Tuesday

  • Votes start to come in from Super Tuesday

  • Illinois Primary election

    Illinois Primary election
  • Final Primary election for District of Columbia

  • The Start of Republican National Convention

    • The delegates of the U.S Republican Party will choose their nominees to run for President and Vice President in the election
    • Located in Clevelend
  • The Start of Democratic National Convention

    -The gathering of delegates of the U.S democratic party will choose their nominees for president and vice president of the election
    - Located in Philadelphia and Pennsylavania
  • National U.S presidental election