
Paul Feyerabend

  • Birth and Death

    Paul Feyerabend was born on January 13th, 1924. He originated from Vienna, Austria and died on February 11th, 1994 from a brain tumor.
  • Against Method

    In the early 1970's, Feyerabend published an article titled " Against Method" in which he attacked several prominent accounts of scientific methodology. Paul Feyerabend was best known for this.
  • For and Against Method

    For and Against Method
    Feyerabend and Imre Lakatos together planned to create a debate volume titled " For and Against Method". This volume entailed that Lakatos would make a rationalist case that there was identifiable set of rules of the scientific method in which makes all good science, science and Feyerabend would be against it. Lakatos' part in this volume was never completed because of his unexpected death in 1974.
  • Science in a Free Society

    Science in a Free Society
    A year after Lakatos died, Feyerabend published his second volume called "Science in a Free Society". He saw this as a contribution to his best friend Lakatos. He included his idiosyncrasies in which Lakatos was a rationalist and this was Feyerabend's time to attack his and as well as Karl Popper's ideas.He was considered a science "anarchist".
  • Conclusion

    Feyerabend thought science as an anarchic enterprise. He said that theoretical anarchism is more humanitarian and more likely to encourage progress than its law-and-order alternatives. He stated no theory ever agrees with all the facts in its domain, yet it is not always the theory that is to blame and that facts are constituted by older ideologies, and that a clash between facts and theories may be proof of progress.