
Personal Government

By corle
  • Self Realization

    The people of Plantania are fed up with the tyranny caused by their leader. Many secret meetings are held and whispers of rebellion start spreading.
  • Rebellion

    A group following their plans of rebellion finally attack the capitol. Causing the army to be called upon to stop the rioting.
  • Assassination

    The Supreme Leader of Plantania is assassinated as the rebels sneak their way into a speech and plant an explosive device in his podium.
  • Reestablishment

    A new leader is established as riots and attacks continue to grow.
  • Final Battle of Banana City

    The Capitol city is under siege. Insurgents from all over have begun their ascent on the national government and have taken to arms provided by nearby countries.
  • Victory for the Rebels

    After months of attacking the capitol, day after day, the insurgents finally topple the buildings and plant their new flag as victors of the land.
  • Self Creation

    After a week of debate couped up in the remains of the capitol, the insurgents arise with a plan for the new government installation.
  • Election

    A president is elected andinaugurated as the new leader of the United Provinces of Plantania.