Personal Health Timeline

  • concerns 20-30 years

    concerns 20-30 years
    bone density continues to grow, and if not supported, can lead to bone diseases only 45 of women 19-24 are getting enough iron
  • health tips 20-30 years

    health tips 20-30 years
    exercise and maintain a healthy diet(including protein, calcium, potassium, healthy omega-3 fats, and folic acid) by avoiding processed foods and fast food; this helps both your mood and body health get enough sleep-during this time of people's lives they are often very active and working hard, so it is essential to get the reccommended amount of sleep Me: I want to get enough sleep each night and stay involved in hobbies to maintain good mental health and stay stress free
  • Period: to


  • concerns 30-40 years

    concerns 30-40 years
    metabolism begins to slow down, leading to obesity, cardiovascular issues, etc many women get pregnant during this time range, and need to support fetal development
  • health tips 30-40 years

    health tips 30-40 years
    reduce sodium intake, and be sure to get enough vitamins and minerals like iron, folic acid, calcium, potassium, B vitamins, vitamin D, fiber and healthy omega-3 fats exercising regularly can reduce the risk of osteoporosis and certain types of cancer Me: Even if I have a busy lifestyle, I want to still be active to maintain my health; If I have kids, I want to make sure that they grow up healthy, too
  • Period: to


  • concerns 40-50 years

    concerns 40-50 years
    women typically start to go through perimenopause, with a variety of hormone related issues peak bone mass starts to decline, leading to osteoporosis
  • health tips 40-50 years

    health tips 40-50 years
    maintain a healthy diet and weight-bearing exercise to reduce the risk of osteoporosis go to screenings to test for diseases such as cancer, sight/hearing loss, and diabetes Me: I want to make sure that I am eating right to prevent health related illnesses, and go to the doctor to seek preventative action when necessary
  • Period: to


  • concerns 50-60 years

    concerns 50-60 years
    women in this age range typically go through menopause, and can experience a wide range of physical symptoms chronic stress is common for people in their 50s, and can be detrimental to their health
  • health tips 50-60 years

    health tips 50-60 years
    try out new hobbies and stay in touch with friends and family to support mental health and a positive lifestyle stay active-this prevents osteoporosis and cardiovascular illnesses Me: even if I am getting older, I still want to be able to prepare meals for myself so that I stay healthy; I want to stay fit by exercising multiple times a week
  • Period: to


  • concerns 60-70 years

    concerns 60-70 years
    75% of people over 60 are obese as a result of high blood pressure, etc older people have an increased risk for age-related illness, like cancers, autoimmune disorders, etc
  • health tips 60-70 years

    health tips 60-70 years
    know the warning signs for strokes and heart attacks see a healthcare provider often for vaccines and screenings Me: at this point, I really need to take charge of my health to maintain it, since my body will be older and less sturdy; I can do this by staying active, engaging in hobbies, taking preventative action, and eating well
  • Period: to
