220px charles sanders peirce

PHIL Science Timeline: Charles S. Pierce 10 SEP 1839- 19 APR 1914

  • Pierce: Pragmatism

    Pierce: Pragmatism
    Pierce is know as "The Father" of Pragmatism along with his friend William James. They were both a part of a philosophical movement and took part in the discussions the Metaphysical club in 1971. Pragmatism is used to conceptualize objects. Pierce uses his two essays "The Fixation of Belief" 1877 and "How to Make Our Ideas Clear" 1878, to discuss pragmatism and how pragmatism is the conception of objects. These two documents were later considered the foundation of pragmatism.
  • Pierce: Pragmatism 2

    Pragmatism is important to science and the philosophy of because it is used to overcome a problem or help make your thoughts and ideas clear. Many years after his initial writings of pragmatism, Pierce tried separating his work on pragmatism by calling his studies of it "Pragmaticism" however that did not stick and is still known as Pragmatism. https://www.iep.utm.edu/pragmati/
  • Pierce: Theory of Inquiry

    In 1877 Pierce wrote and essay titled "The Fixation of Belief" he described Inquiry as a difficulty to move past doubt in search of a true belief, a belief in which someone will act on. Pierce framed a scientific inquiry, he created a model using four methods to settle opinions. The methods are: Tenacity, Authority, A Priori and Science. These methods are listed in order of least to most successful, the first there kind of dance around truths and beliefs of the inquiry or intended learning...
  • Pierce: Theory of Inquiry 2

    Pierce: Theory of Inquiry 2
    ...where as the final and most dependable is the scientific method of inquiry. The scientific method is more reliable due to its structured nature to find truths and facts about the inquiry coming to true beliefs based on the integrity of the information provided, therefore being more reliable for people to trust in the results of the inquiry. Thus another common sense approach developed and used by Pierce. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Sanders_Peirce
  • Pierce: Philosophy of Metaphysics

    I believe metaphysics has a place in the philosophy of science and is important in trying to explain the natural laws, our existence and the world. Pierce divided metaphysics into three categories, ontology or general, religious and physical metaphysics. Through Ontology he believed we knew things in advance to be not true as we perceive them to be impossible. Pierce believed in God and explained God not being an actual person or being but a real being. When it comes to physical metaphysics..
  • Pierce: Philosophy of Metaphysics 2

    Pierce: Philosophy of Metaphysics 2
    held the belief for which he called "objective realism". Objective idealism accepts the common sense approach to realism.
    Objective idealism … interprets the spiritual as a reality existing outside and independent of human consciousness.
    — Oizerman, T. I., The Main Trends in Philosophy. Moscow, 1988, p. 57
    Pierces's philosophy of metaphysics is important to the man that he was believing in god and the laws of nature and taking the common sense approach to Metaphysics and Scientific Method.
  • Pierce: Scientific Method 2

    ...the consequences of the hypothesis. And lastly the Inductive Phase which is the evaluation of the hypothesis through observational or experimental tests. Abduction creates a hypothesis for deduction to clarify it and induction prove it or show people its truths and or falsify the hypothesis. To me this is a very basic and logical outlook to a scientific method. Video on "Abduction": https://youtu.be/bZVeZu3B5sw https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Sanders_Peirce
  • Pierce: Scientific Method

    An article in the Hibbert Journal titled "A Neglected Argument for the Reality of God", Pierce outlined the "Scientific Method" as having three modes of argument. His three modes of argument were: 1. Abductive phase, meaning one needs to explain the theory 2. The deductive phase which is broken up into two phases: explication and demonstration. Explication is done to clearly define the hypothisis making it as clear as possible and Deduction using the Euclidean Procedure to figure out...