Philosophers of Agricultural Education

  • 347 BCE

    Socrates and Plato

    Socratic method- student ask question and teacher answers
    Plato- idea is formed, student is always learning and once an idea is created it can't be killed
  • Johann Amos Comenius

    Promotes education for career preparation
    Learn from failure
    Learning should adapt to each students needs
    Learning should start easy and work up to harder
  • Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi

    "Father of Modern Education"
    Head, heart, hands
    Hands on learning
  • Charles Sandars Peirce

    -learning thru hands on is better than just visual
    Stages of clarity
  • John Dewey

    Learning by doing
    Curriculum should be relevant to students' lives
    Had a method to solving problems: created hypothesis/ problem statement, develop potential solutions, and attempt to solve them
    Wasn't just one way to solve a problem
  • Smith & hughes

    Education is not relevant to real life
    Smith-Hughes act of 1917- bringing vocational education to American classrooms
  • Dr Davis a kolb

    Experience- reflection- conceptual use- test >
  • Howard Gardner

    Students learn best if they are taught with the intelligence they are strongest with
    Teacher's provide multiple learning styles