
  • First Phone

    First Phone
    The very first phone appeared on March 10th 1876 made and created by a man called Alexander Graham Bell.
  • The First Cell Phone

    The First Cell Phone
    the very first cellphone that you could carry around in your pocket without having to use a car was released on 1983
  • First flip phone

    First flip phone
    The very first flip phone was invented on 1989 by Motorola although there where some phones like flip phones in the 1970's
  • First Text On A Phone

    First Text On A Phone
    The very first text on a phone was sent in 1993 saying Merry Christmas wonder what day it was sent ;)
  • The First Smart Phone

    The First Smart Phone
    the very first smart phone that was ever introduced to the world was called the Ericsson R380 Smartphone it was a weak locking touchscreen phone that was way to big to carry in your pocket
  • First ever phone with a Camera

    First ever phone with a Camera
    The very first ever phone with a camera on it was shown in japan on November 2000.
  • First iPhone

    First iPhone
    The very first smartphone made by apple completely changed the game of making phones and it all started in 2007