Pre-Revolutionary Events

By Jenni4
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    Pre-Revolutionary Events

  • Albany Congress

    Albany Congress was a meeting of seven of the thirteen British North American Colonies. The seven Colonies were Connecticut, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, Pennsylvania, and Rhode Island.
  • French and Indian War

    The American Colonists fought with the British Army against the French. The war officially ended in 1763 with the Treaty of Paris.
  • Capture of Fort Necessity by the French

    At 11:00 AM on July 3rd a group of about 600 French and 100 indians approached the fort. The battle continued until about 8:00 when the French commander requested a truce.
  • General Braddock's Defeat at Fort Dusque

    This event can also be called Braddock's Defeat, Braddocks Campaign, or The Braddock Expedition. Braddock's defeat was a major setback to the British for the war against the French.
  • Battle of Quebec

    It is said that for the British 1759 was the year of victories. Both commanders of the commanders died in battle.
  • Recapture of Fort Duquesne

    It wad named the Forbes Expedition after General John Forbes. The British and the Americans rebuilt Fort Duquesne after the French destroyed it.
  • Pontiacs Rebellion

    Pontiac gathered other indian chiefs along the Ohio River Valley. Pontiac wanted to start a rebellion because the British fur traders were on the land where the French and Indians lived.
  • Sugar Act

    This act lowered the tax on molasses imported by the colonists. The act also let officers take goods from smugglers without going to court.
  • Currency Act

    The act banned new currency and reissue of current currency. The colonies protested against this.
  • Stamp Act

    This act placed a tax on all paper goods in the colonies. All printed material had to have a tax.
  • Quartering Act

    The Quartering Act was part of the Townshend Acts. It required colonists to take soldiers into their homes.
  • Boston Massacre

    The Boston Massacre was when the tension with the British and the colonists finally reached its peak. Five colonists were killed that day including Crispus Attucks.
  • Tea Act

    The Tea Act taxed the tea at source so there wouldn't be any tax collection for the colonies, Allowed the East India Company to sell tea to chosen merchants.
  • Coercive (Intolerable) Acts

    During the Coercive Acts Boston Harbor was closed until the colonists paid for all the lost tea. Only food and firewood were permitted into the port.
  • First Continental Congress

    The first continental congress met form September 5 to October 26. They met in Carpenter's Hall in Philadelphia.
  • Boston Tea Party

    342 chests of tea were thrown into the ocean during the BTP. They were dressed as Mohawks when thes happened.