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Prenatal Timeline

By aefree
  • 2 MONTHS

    At this stage I was looking more human form, taking on the physical traits of having developed the head, legs, and arms. I was 1 inch and weighed approximately 4 grams. My mom was still unaware at this time she was pregnant with me, she was working nights at Wendy's supporting her already growing family with my 1 year old brother and dad.

    By this time, yes, my mom was now aware that she had a little person growing inside of her, not expected, but happy her family was expanding. I was continuing to still develop the major body parts. She found out a few days before Halloween, and she had her costume picked out with humor, that year before I was born we matched and she drew a pumpkin on her stomach.
  • 5 MONTHS

    5 MONTHS
    At this age in the womb, it would be considered the 2nd trimester. I was already well developed and moving around, learning to regulating awake and asleep cycles. Being able to do nothing but move in the small area I had, I was developing muscles doing that. Being roughly 10 inches and .5 to 1 lb ! I already made it half way through my prenatal stage !!
  • 1 WEEK

    1 WEEK
    This being the first photo at my new home, I was roughly a few days old. From 5 months as a fetus to a 1 month newborn. You can tell much had changed, I am now out in the world, long and stretched out finally, I was using my PRIMITIVE RESPONSES methods to suck on my dads finger here in this picture. Not knowing what I was doing, I just hit a milestone. Cooing and looking at my dad was my favorite thing to do. We has such a close bond.
    (photo refrence: self)
  • 4 MONTHS

    4 MONTHS
    I loved to look at the world around me, always wanting to turn my head and look at this and that. Being driven around in the car I would try and look at all the lights that would past, would try and focus everywhere at once. An interested and intrigued child I was. Looking wasn't enough, I would talk your ear off, not knowing what I was talking/complaining/yelling/happy about, they'd always respond as if they did, great communication. (photo refrence: self)
  • 9 MONTHS

    9 MONTHS
    Already the speedy thinker and crawler I was, moving on to stepping and walking was my next move. Always wanting to get from point A to point B, I always found a way. But tsking my first step was something I was rushing into, I would stand, but taking my first step was my goal this day.
    (photo refrence: I3160067)
  • 2 YEARS and 1 MONTH

    2 YEARS and 1 MONTH
    My brother's birthday was a success, I was old enough to understand the concept of copying. A week before my brothers' 4-year-old party, my mom started practicing the "Happy Birthday" song, I was a natural at it, at this age, copying and repeating simple phrases was considered a milestone.
    (photo reference: pinterest rahna kumar)
  • 2 YEARS and 5 MONTHS

    2 YEARS and 5 MONTHS
    At this age, my mom was introducing me to new sensory toys, colored toys, and matching shapes kinds of toys. She noticed how much I was into the different colors and was already beginning to distinguish between the few primary colors that came with the box, then moved on to ore and more. Colors and shapes always was an interest of mines. She was stunned that I caught on quicky, I was such a bright child.
    (photo reference: pinterest luis eslava)
  • 3 YEARS

    3 YEARS
    It was my birthday, I was able to help dress myself for that day, understand that I was turning 3! Being around everyone I was a bubbly child that day, going from family member to family member, I'm sure not caring whether I knew them or not. I then proceeded to announce how old I was after we sang my birthday song! Being able to know how old you are, as well as help dress yourself was a milestone at this age, ealry possibly.
    (photo reference: pinterest emily fu)
  • 3 YEARS and 4 MONTHS

    3 YEARS and 4 MONTHS
    Preschool was a big experience for me, it's a big experience for me because it was my first experience. My mom was shocked that I let go easily and soon always wanted to go to school, but it was a good and commom milestone for children, beinga able to seperate from the parent. My dad liked to take us to the park and incorporate physical activity. By letting us "burn out" at the playgroud.
  • 3 YEARS and 11 MONTHS

    3 YEARS and 11 MONTHS
    I wasn't the most talkative child, but when I get talking I could get talking. I could tell you everything I did within the last week. I would be able to memorize the stories my teacher taught us and tell my mom about my day at school almost all the time. I began telling her the names and shapes of everything, I believe I would have been quite annoyed with myself. Memorizing things was an accomplishment. photo reference

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  • 4 YEARS and 7 MONTHS

    4 YEARS and 7 MONTHS
    I loved doing new things, my parents thought I was about time fo me to experience the AZ STATE FAIR, and from what I can remember, I remember most of the night. I'm happy that I could remember that day. That night was full of farm animal petting, my very own corn dog, an elephant ride, much ride, and games! I enjoyed the way the world was widening right before my eyes!
    (photo reference: google search> fair visual)
  • 8 YEARS

    8 YEARS
    At this age, being middle childhood, I was exposed to so many new things and people. Having friends and engaging socially was my favorite thing, playing and becoming competitive in sports and school, I wanted to be the best. Exploring and testing the limits of myself and my parents. It was always school and sports that I was focused on throughout my childhood.
    (photo reference : self)
  • 9 YEARS/

    9 YEARS/
    Becoming more self-aware and conscious about not fitting in bothered me, talking, and interacting with other students was hard for me. My parents noticed this and wanted me to feel at ease, they continued to have me in karate, for it helped manage my weight and help me maintain an active lifestyle. Going out and hanging out with family at family event places helped me minimizw/overcome the anxiety I created.
    (photo source: google>verywellfamily)
  • 11 YEARS

    11 YEARS
    Dealing with death at this age wasn't something I was ready for, It was a very life-changing moment, it changed me mentally, physically, emotionally, and even more socially. It being someone in the family, it created paranoia and made life harder in school. My mindset became cloudy I lost interest in life, it was hard. I could see the difference in not having a family vs, having the full love and support of a family (photo source: google>keraneyds)
  • 14 YEARS

    14 YEARS
    Spending my time as an outcast, I managed to try and keep myself occupied. I read a lot of ducational books, comics, and picture books. One book that opened my mind, was "WILLOW". I helped me think of life from a different perspective and gave me the ability to have hope for the, my, future. I began taking more risks, have a willingness to talk, and get to understand others. Also, have that hope that my person, my other half, is out there somewhere. (photosource: wizzley)
  • 16 YEARS

    16 YEARS
    It took a while for me to change. But when I did, it was when I went back to my roots. My genetic heritage. Being introduced to my tribes more on a high note, really helped me understand who I am. This was a form of Self Identity occurring so natural, I didn't even notice.
    • FACT * I did have family members walk, The Long Walk in 1864. I can recall the stores I've been told to help me understand myself.
    (photo source:
  • 18 YEARS

    18 YEARS
    Years of experience, cleaning, and cooking, I was in search of my first big responsibility, a job. Starting this journey, I needed to think of all my accomplishments. Getting over fear and getting out of my comfort zone, I began searching for a job. I sounded and fidgeted like a child when I spoke to the managers, but after speaking to more than 8 different people, my comfort changed and by the 9th, they saw my enthusiasm and liked my confidence.
    (photo source>restrauntwomen)