Prenatal Development Timeline

By Yuke
  • 3 weeks

    the baby in a making cell ball.
  • 9 weeks

    Eyes have developed, the baby lost the "tail" and is starting to look more human.
  • 11 weeks

    Your baby is almost fully formed. Baby's bones are beginning to harden, and the genitalia are developing externally.
  • 10 weeks

    The embryo has become a fetus. His vital organs are starting to function. Tiny fingernails and toenails are starting to form.
  • 4 weeks

    the cell ball become an embryo.
  • 7 weeks

    the brain is growing at a rapid rate.
  • 6 weeks

    Facial features are beginning to form, and little buds appear on arms and legs
  • 8 weeks

    Arms and legs are growing, and the baby has little fingers, as well as a nose and upper lip.
  • 5 weeks

    baby's heart begins to beat, and only a size of a sesame seed.
  • Period: to

    First trimester

    Week 1-week 12
  • 12 weeks

    You can hear your baby's heartbeat at a prenatal checkup. The brain enlarges very little as compared to its birth size and shape. Your baby's just over 2 inches long and weighs about half an ounce.
  • 14 weeks

    Your baby's kidneys are producing urine, and he releases it into the amniotic fluid. He can make facial expressions
  • Period: to

    Second trimester

    Week 3-week 28
  • 15 weeks

    Your baby can see light that filters in from outside your womb, even though her eyelids are still shut.
  • 19 weeks

    Your baby can hear your heartbeat and sounds that come from outside your body. The skin is wrinkly and is covered by a protective, waxy coating. The brain becomes capable of forming millions of motor neurons.
  • 23 weeks

    Your baby's sense of movement has developed. His sense of hearing continues to improve.
  • 24 weeks

    Your baby's taste buds are developing. Her brain is growing very quickly and starts to regulate all body functions. The baby almost a foot long and weighs just over a pound.
  • 27 weeks

    Your baby's lungs are developing and the brain is actively processing many senses.
  • 28 weeks

    Your baby may be dreaming. The baby has eyelashes, and the eyesight is improving. Billions of neurons are developing in the brain. Baby's weighs about 2 1/4 pounds and is about 15 inches long.
  • 29 weeks

    the brain continues to grow and increase rapidly in size until the 41 weeks.
  • 32 weeks

    He's grown cute little fingernails and toenails. He's almost 17 inches long and weighs about 3 3/4 pounds.
  • Period: to

    Third trimester

    Week 29-week 41
  • 34 weeks

    Your baby's lungs and central nervous system are continuing to develop. Her skin has become soft and smooth. Baby is almost 18 inches long and weighs about 4 3/4 pounds.
  • 37 weeks

    Your baby is now considered "early term." Babies born now usually do well, but ideally he'll stay in your womb for a couple more weeks to give his brain and lungs time to fully mature.
  • 39 weeks

    Your baby is now considered full-term and is ready for life outside the womb. The average weight of a newborn is about 7 1/2 pounds, and the average length is about 20 inches.
  • 41 weeks

    You've passed your due date and your baby is now considered "late term."