President Project

  • Abe lincoln was born on this date in Illinois

    Abe lincoln was born on this date in Illinois
  • Mary Todd was the first lady.She was born on this date.

    Mary Todd was the first lady.She was born on this date.
  • Lincoln became president

    Lincoln became president
  • He is the 16th president.He was elected on

    He is the 16th president.He was elected on
  • He had to go through the civil war and freeing the slaves.The civil war started.

    He had to go through the civil war and freeing the slaves.The civil war started.
  • Abe Lincoln made the Emancipation Proclamtion that freed slaves.

    Abe Lincoln made the Emancipation Proclamtion that freed slaves.
  • This is the date slaves were freed.

    This is  the date slaves were freed.
    Abe Lincoln belived in all men are createad equal he also belived that slaves are wrong.
  • Abe Lincoln gave the Gettysberg Adress that inspired troops and very famous.

    Abe Lincoln gave the Gettysberg Adress that inspired troops and very famous.
  • His vice president was Andrew Johnson.He latered became president.

    His vice president was Andrew Johnson.He latered became president.
  • This is the date when President Davs was elected

    This is the date when President Davs was elected
    Abe Lincoln had to go throug hthe civil war and the country seceding.The other part of the country that seceded was called the Confederate.They eleceted their President his name was Davis.
  • This is the time when the south was in ruins.

    This is the time when the south was in ruins.
    After he left office we started to explore the west more.Also the south was in ruins.
  • Te date President Davis was elected.

    Te date President Davis was elected.
    Lincoln had to go through the civil war and the country seceding.
  • This is the date of his greatest win It is when the civil war was ended.

    This is the date of his greatest win It is when the civil war was ended.
    His greatest loss when he got assainted
  • He was assainted on this date.

    He was assainted on this date.