Presidents and their Events

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    Presidents and their Events

  • George Washington

    George Washington
    GW was unanimously elected to be the first President of the United States of America. During the French Revolution he established a policy of neutrality. In his farewell address he made three points: stay away from European affairs, reject political party affiliations; avoid geographical distinctions.
  • John Adams

    John Adams
    JA was the first president affiliated with a political party, the Federalists. JA went to war with France over the X,Y, Z Affair when the French wanted a bribe before negotiating over trade isues. JA passed the Alien and Sedition Acts to scare foreign agents away and help prevent Dem-Rep votes. JA tried packing the courts with Federalists which led to Marbury v. Madison in the Supreme Court.
  • Thomas Jefferson

    Thomas Jefferson
    TJ is the first Dem-Rep President of the United States. TJ canceled the Whiskey Tax, reduced the size of the military, and reduced the national budget by one-third. TJ doubled the size of America when he bought the Louisiana Territory from Napoleon for $15 million. TJ attempted to economically attack the French, by taxing French imports, due to French attacks on American merchant ships with the Embargo Act.
  • James Madison

    James Madison
    JM is considererd one of the founders of the Dem-Rep party and was elected as a Dem-Rep. JM was pressed by War Hawks to go to war with England due to British attacks on American merchant ships. JM tried to enact his own Embargo Act called the Non-Intercoure Act. JM started the American System of mercantilism. JM declared war after English impressment of American sailors. The War of 1812 created nationalism and patriotism in America, which led to the Era of Good Feelings.
  • James Monroe

    James Monroe
    JM was the President during the Era of Good Feelings. JM was the President during the Missouri Compromsie admitting Missouri and Maine as states. JM was the President during the acquisition of Florida from Spain for $5 million. JM created the Monroe Doctrine preventing European nations from interferring with all lands of the Americas.
  • John Quincy Adams

    John Quincy Adams
    JQA was elected President under accusation of cheating called the, 'corrupt scandal', due to Henry Clay being appointed Sec. of State. JQA attempted to mend sectional differences by pushing through the building of a network of canals to connect the two regions.
  • Andrew Jackson

    Andrew Jackson
    AJ was the President elected as a Democrat. AJ created the 'spoils system' to allow average people the opportunity to take political office and why AJ is called the 'common man'. AJ used his power of veto to take control of policy making and not Congress. AJ created the Indian Removal Act which led to the Trail of Tears. AJ attacked the National Bank due to, "too much power and too few hands". AJ sent the military to South Carolina to end the Nullification Crisis over high tariffs.