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PNR-PRI through time

  • Development of the PNR

    Plutarco Elías Calles creates and enforces the National Revolutionaty Party.
  • Peasant opinion heard

    PNR offered peasants and other minorities the opportunity to have a voice in the government. A general Chamber was instituted to hear all opinions.
  • Federal Republic

    PNR proposes to install a Federal Republic in order to have individual states with own governments. This made people slightly more happy than before.
  • Petroleum industry development

    Petroleum Worker Union of Mexico was created. Workers started having 40 hours of work a week with a full salary.
  • CTM

    In February, 1936, meanwhile the government of Lázaro Cárdenas, the CTM (Confederación de Trabajadores de México) was created. The CTM joined workers from all industry branches and lately from all Mexican services.
  • Sindicates and peasant association

    Its main purpose was to eradicate the struggles between classes. It also fights against the semi-feudal structure used to have while Porfirio Díaz was on power; fighting against foreign imperialism and for an economical independence in Mexico. This was achieved by joining the peasants together against fascism in order to grant the historical relation of the Mexican Revolution.
  • Oil Expropiation

    President Lázaro Cárdenas nationalizes and institutionalizes Mexican oil in order to eliminate foreign influence over this resoruces. This upsets British and American Oil companies, so they try to sabotage PEMEX
  • Illiteracy outlawed

    President Manuel Avila Camacho enacts a bill outlawing illiteracy. This was a key moment in Mexico's modernization that led to major improvements in education.
  • Railroad system improvement

    The US helped Avila Camacho's government to retake the railroad systems. This was because Mexico joined the WWII conflict on the Allied side (201 squad)
  • Female vote

    Women asked to have the right to vote. Finally in 1953, Adolfo Ruiz Cortinez encouraged this legislation.
  • Tlatelolco

    This was principally of National University students rise, what they wanted was a better government also they protest about the violence of the government (PRI, President Diaz Ordaz). Because the Olympics were coming to Mexico City the government saw as a good option to kill every student that was protesting so they wouldn’t interrupt or cause a bad impression of Mexico during the Olympics.
  • Reempowerment of PRI

    CItizens turned again into the ones who had them in a relative dictatorship, voting for them and re-installing a dead-in-all-manners regime. Most voters consisted on peasants and poor people, allowing bribe and "Humanitarian help" to be used as political propaganda.
  • Ayotzinapa

    Students of the normal school of Ayotzinapa were brutally attacked by an intent of eviction. Many students were killed and tortured, at the present time 43 students still missing.