Product Life Cycle of a Bicycle

  • Raw material extraction.

    Raw material extraction.
    Rubber is harvested from rubber trees found in the Amazonian rainforest. The material that comes out of the tree is sticky and is retrieved by cutting incisions or holes in the trees bark to extract the materials
  • Processing

    The latex is processed in a collection cup, lumps are collected and processed into dry forms for sale.
  • Manufacturing

    the parts are then taken to a factory in which they can be assembled together in order to form a bicycle. Some of these parts are the chain(made of steel), the wheels(made of rubber), the actual bicycle base (made of aluminum). Once they are put together the product is ready for transportation.
  • Transportation

    The final product being the bicycles are transported to stores and sold to people.
  • Use of product

    Use of product
    Someone buys the bike and uses it how its supposed to be used or for other uses. Eventually the bicycle becomes worn out and has to be thrown out or recycled.
  • Disposal/ Recycling

    Disposal/ Recycling
    Finally, this is the final stage of the products lifecycle, it can be taken apart and the alluminum and other parts can be reused for other purposes or it can be thrown out and never seen again.