Production Schedule

  • Production Schedule

    Produce production schedule for the foundation portfolio, This is to help organize time for the project.
  • Research/Case Studies

    Decide a genre of music for magazine, carry out research into magazines of selected genre. This teaches layout, content.
  • Preliminary Task: LSC Magazine

    Produce pages from a college magazine using Photoshop & InDesign. Need to create a front page and a contents page, and include original photography. Front Cover: a medium close-up (MCU) of a student, text such as teasers and coverlines, a masthead, date, issue number, bar code, price/free - PhotoShop. Contents page: sections, images, number of pages, editor's letter - InDesign
  • Audience Feedback & Evaluation

    Gather audience feedback and comments on college magazine. This can be done in a many of ways, in class, as a focus group, online via blog, or on survey monkey. Evaluation: what went well, photography, image manipulation on PhotoShop, page layout, use of text including masthead and coverlines, journalism, layout on InDesign, what I need to improve on, write 3 key points for development when producing the main task.
  • Magazine Newsstand Task

    Go to a newsstand, look at how magazines are displayed. Anthing noticed about front covers, mastheads, cover lines and images. Take pictures of this and upload. Write up findings on blog. Research other magazine distribution methods. Thses may include ways magazines use Facebook groups, trends on Twitter, ezines, apps, radio and TV content. Blog findings with appropriate hyperlinks.
  • Drafting & Finalizing House Styles, Drafts and Layouts

    Write a short proposal for magazine. Produce a house style for music magazine, include a masthead design and layout for the front cover, decide on audience for magazine. Produce layouts for own edition of the music magazine front cover, contents page and a DPS. Include font, coverlines, teasers, titles, prices, colour scheme, models, locations, costumes and props, content of journalism. Draft copy (journalism) for DPS. Do a formal pitch.
  • Audience Research Task

    Evaluate the audience feedback fromt he pitch from focus groups and/or survey monkey. This needs to be blogged.
  • Rough Draft

    Show rough draft of front cover, contents page and DPS to class and record their feedback on work in progress on blog.
  • Planning & Shooting

    Start to shoot on location. Borrrow college digital camera, or use own. Plan & book any shoots using the photography call sheet and booking forms. Call sheet will have details of models, locations, costume and props.
  • Constructions: Desk Top Publishing & Editing Music Magazine

    Front cover, contents page and DPS comlete and uploaded on Blogger by 16th November. Use PhotoShop for the front cover & InDesign for the contents page and DPS.
  • Audience Research/Music Magazine

    Gather audience comments and feedback. Who are the audience, are they the group that was initially targeted, how particular social groups represented, fans of particular music, age groups, defined by social class/gender/ethnicity, are these representations positive/negative/mixed, Which elements of the magazine does the audience like, improvements, how have technical and creative skills developed.
  • Evalution

    In what way does my media product use, devlop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? How does my media product represent particular social groups? What kind of media institution might distribute my media product and why? Who would be the audience for my media product? How did I attract/address my audience? What have I learnt about technologies from the process of constructiong this product?Looking back at my prelminary task, what do I feel I have learnt *see sheet
  • FINAL Deadline

    All foundation portfolia work must be comple and uploaded to your blog for submission to the exam board on Wednesday 19th December 2012.