Progressive Era

  • Eugine Debs

    Eugine Debs
    Eugine Debs was a labor leader who helped organize Pullman Strike and later became socialist leader and presidential candidate. In 1894, Grover Cleveland made a decision to end the Pullman Strike in Chicago. When Pullman, a railroad car company, cut employees’ wages by 30 percent, labor organizer Eugene V. Debs organized a massive strike. Over 150,000 Pullman workers refused to work. the strike was unsucsessful however it showed the push towards progressiveism.
  • Robert La Follette

    Robert La Follette
    La Follette begins the first of three terms as a reform governor of Wisconsin. He fights for legislation to regulate corporations for the public good, provide for conservation of natural resources, and governance uncorrupted by business influence. La Follette's fight for these changes is an example of the fight for progressive reform.
  • public service reform-Lawrence Veiller

    public service reform-Lawrence Veiller
    lawrence leiller fought tireless ly to help clean up citys by campaigning for better tenement housing. finally in 1901he sucseeded in getting the New York Tenement Housing bill passed.This made restriction on how houseing was built. it banned construction of dark and airless tenements. from now on buildings had top be constructed in open courtyards where the inhabitants could easily let in light and fresh air.
  • Muckraker

    Journalists Lincon Steffons and Claude Westmore wrote McClure's publication of "Tweed Days in St.Louis". this started the begenning of the muckracking school of journalism. The article showed the political machine in St,Louis and the comparison of the corupt city government there to the New York Citys government under Boss Tweed.this shows the progressive changes in government.
  • labor reform

    labor reform
    Employer's liability laws for workmen's compensation are passed at the state level from 1902 forward, beginning in Maryland. The labor reform was a push too make labore conditions better and is an example of the push for progressive reform.
  • Newlands Reclamation Act

    Newlands Reclamation Act
    This act allowed mony from sales and public lands to be used for irrigation and reclamation, which is the process of making damaged land productive again. This is an example of progressiveism because it helped make land better and make mony earned by government to be spent productively.
  • Business Reform-Elkins Act

    Business Reform-Elkins Act
    Seeking to expand the weak and ineffectual powers of the Interstate Commerce Commission, the Elkins Act is passed. This made accepting "rebates" illeagle and punishable by law. Oil and livestock companies paid rates stated by the railroads, but demanded rebates on those payments. So large companies paid significantly less for rail service than farmers and other small operators.The railroads had long resented being taken advantage of by the trusts and liked he Elkins Act being passed.
  • St. Louis Exposition

    St. Louis Exposition
    at a st.louis exposition new inventions and ideas such as cooking with electricty are showcased. Here hamburgers and the invention of the ice cream cone is popularized.These new inventions are examples of the progressive thinking at the time.
  • Teddy Roosevelt

    Teddy Roosevelt
    in 1904 Teddy used The Square Deal as his campaign slogan and gained much popularity because of it. Teddy promised to "see to it that every man had a square deal, no less and no more."roosevelt wanted to balance the interests of buisness, labor and consumers. This called for limiting the power of trusts, promoting public health & safety, and improving labor conditions. Teddy was a large part of the progressive reform era.
  • Corrupt Practices Reform

    Corrupt Practices Reform
    the prosicution of a beef company selling unhealthy and unsanitary oroducts to consumers is sucsessfull and is launched with Swift and Company v. United States. This is an example of progressivism.
  • Upton Sinclair

    Upton Sinclair
    Sinclair wrote the novel, The Jungle, about the conditions of working in a chicago meat packing company. the book was serialized in 1905 and lead to greater reform after President Theodore Roosevelt read it and ordered an investigation of the meat-packing industry.this is an example of progressive reform because it shows progress in trying to make better conditions in work places such as the meatpacking industry.
  • Charels Evans Hughs

    Charels Evans Hughs
    In 1906, Charles Evans Hughes defeated William Randolph Hearst for governor of New York.Hughes established a progressive record in his two terms in office by securing labor legislation, insurance reform and the creation of a Public Service Commission.
  • Hepburn Act

    Hepburn Act
    This act authorized the Interstate Commerce Commision (ICC) to set railroad rates and too regulate other companies engaged in interstate commerc, this included pipeline and ferries.
  • The Meeat Inspection Act

    The Meeat Inspection Act
    This Act required government inspection of meat shipped from one state to another. this is an example of progressive reform because it created a new way to help protect consumers from abuses that were happening in the food industry.
  • Pure Food and Drug Act

    Pure Food and Drug Act
    This act forbade the manufacture, sale, or transportation of food or patient medicine that contianed harmfull ingredients. The act also made containers of food and medicines carry ingredients labels. This is an example of progressive reform because the act made consumers safer from harmfull products.
  • Hiram Johnson

    Hiram Johnson
    In 1910 Johnson, a member of the Republican Party, was elected governor of California. Under his leadership the legislature passed a series of progressive measures including women's suffrage, restrictions on child labor, and workingmen's compensation.
  • Jane Adams

    Jane Adams
    Jane adams served as a Vice President of the National Woman Suffrage Association from 1911-1914. This is an example of progresiveism because the association worked on social reform and fought for womens right to vote which was a progressive thought at the time.
  • social Justice Reform

    social Justice Reform
    with over a third of population living in poverty in 1912, and laborers not being paid fairly for theur hours of hard work in often unsafe and unsanitary conditions, Massachusetts set the first minimum wage law which set base wages for women and children, however it wasn't until 1938 that the nation passed a minimum wage law for all workers.
  • Seventeenth Amendment

    Seventeenth Amendment
    the seventeenth amendment authorized voters to elect their senetors directly . this demonstates the progressive movement because it shows the progressive change in government.
  • Woodrow Wilson

    Woodrow Wilson
    in the 1912 campaign Wilson captured the nations feeling about reform through his program, New Freedom, which called for revival of small buisnesses and the return of the importance of the average american citizen. Wilsons program is an example of the progressive movement because his plan involved proggressing away from the control of big buissneses and government.
  • Sixteenth amendment

    Sixteenth amendment
    this amendment authorize a national tax based on each individuals income . progressives had long suported a taxation policy like this because they thought it was the perfect solution to fund government programs in a fair way. this is an example of progessiveness because it helped make taxation more fair to people of all economic statuses.
  • Underwood Tariff Act

    Underwood Tariff Act
    in 1913 congress passed this act which reduced tariffs to their lowest levels in 50 years. To make up for lost revenue the act imposed a graduated income tax, which taxed those of igher salerys pay higher taxes . This demonstrates progressive reform because it was another new change that was made to try and better the lives of all people and make taxation more fair for those with little income.
  • Federal Reserve Act

    Federal Reserve Act
    This Act created a three level banking systom. At the top of this system was the federal reserve board, then under that was 12 federal reserve banks, under mixed of public and private control., and at the bottom were private banks. This is an example of progressive reform because it helped create a central fund that banks could borrow mony from which helped preventbanks collapse.
  • Federal Trade Commision Established

    Federal Trade Commision Established
    the Federal Trade Commition created by congress was authorized to investigate coorperations and issue cease and desist orders to those engaged in unfair and unlawfull practices and use the court to enforce its ruleings. This helped stop the buses such as mislabeld products and false claims to consumers. this is an example of the progressive era because it was bettering consumergood and safety of consumers products.
  • Clayton Antitrust Act

    Clayton Antitrust Act
    This Act clareifyed and extended the 1890 Sherman Antitrust Act by clearly stating what coorperations could and could not due. This is an example of progressive reform because it is makeing previous laws set to improve buissness better more clear in order to protect and extend those laws/
  • Keating-Owen Child Labor Act

    Keating-Owen Child Labor Act
    This act outlawed the interstate sale of products produced by child labor. THis is an example of progressive reform because it shows the push t o improve the conditions and exsistance of child labor.
  • Eighteenth Amendment

    Eighteenth Amendment
    this amendment was passsed by the congess in 1917 then ratified by the states in 1919. the amendment made it illeagle to manufacture, sell or import alchol.this is an example of progrssie reform because it demonstarates how people want to improve society.
  • Nineteenth Amendment

    Nineteenth Amendment
    the nineteenth amendment waas passed by congress in 1919 and ratified in 1920, the amendment gave women full voting rights. this is a great example of the progressive era.
  • William Jennings Bryan

    William Jennings Bryan
    William Jennings Bryan remained active in a variety of causes, including peace, women's suffrage, prohibition, and Christian fundamentalism. In 1925, he served as an associate counsel in the trial of John Scopes, a Tennessee instructor accused of teaching evolution in a public school.this is why he is an example of the proggresive era.