project 1

By tsilva
  • My Birthday

    My Birthday
    I was born May 16th a day before my older sisters birthday at exactly 11:59 pm . She was a litte upset since i ruined her birthday party , but i wouldnt prefer my birthday being any other day i like the fact that we always celebrate out birthdays together shes exactly 15 years older then i am
  • Nieces & nephews

    Nieces & nephews
    I have 8 little blessings and i love each and every one of them , there are 3 girls and 5 boys . There a big part of my life because i've watched them grow and im raising one as my own .I don't know how my life would be without them they keep me busy 24/7 . Everyday is different because each and everyone of them have different personalities so I get to be around different moods ever day . There my pride and joy and make my life 1000 times better
  • Horses

    My dad always had a love for horses and i did too . He had bough me my own horse i named him yogur because He loved eating cookies and yogurt . He was super white almost silked like . Such a gental animal . I would always enjoy going on long rides with my dad and we couldnt come back until night those were the best times .
  • Disneyland

    That day was like a dream come true . Me and my sister would always bug if we could go and finally got our wish . I remeber being somewhat frightened because of the characters sounds a bit silly but i was a bit scared after a while i warmed up to them it was such a long exciting day but my favorite part was how it ended . I remember sitting on a beanch watching the fireworks by the castle with my sister and eating ice cream and laughing perfect ending shes my bestfriend so itsuch a warm memory
  • Life without my parents

    Life without my parents
    My mother and father left when i was 6 years old . She and my dad still had resturants in mexico but wanted us to stay in california to go to school we did i didnt get to see them for 8 years i was use to my dad being gone he travaled alot but my mom it tore me apart .
  • Learning English

    Learning English
    I was 6 1/2 when I entered school in American I was born here but lived in Mexico for a while so things were new to me . I remember my first day I cried so hard because I had no idea what people were telling me I was over whelmed. I cried for months until i was put in a class to learn English , it was so weird to me at first but i managed to quickly get the hang of it and mastered English in 6 months . My teacher said my sister and i were the fastest learners she's every had .
  • French

    I first learned french my freshmen year . It was kind of difficult but some words sounded just like spanish so it was easier for me to learn it and much faster . I enjoyed it i though it was nice knowing 3 languages and when i went to paris i got to test it out . Im glad i took the class & would do it again (:
  • Paris

    3 years ago my sisters and i decided it was time for another girls only trip and we picked Paris . Paris was such a beautiful place we did many things . We went shopping first and visited many stores . We also ate lots of pastries they were so good .We did lots of things but my favorite memory would have to be the one of us standing in front of the Eiffel tower at night in the rain . It was so beautiful lit up and the rain maid it better i felt like it set the perfect ending to that night .
  • My phone

    My phone
    my iphone 6plus is important to me because i always have it with me and use it for everything . Im very proud of my phone because i bought it on my own and that sort of marked me being independed . Thats the first thing i ever bough with my own money . I absolutly cant live without my phone & i know it sounds a bit obsessive but its true just like every other teenager out there cx
  • Family

    i have 6 amazing siblings 5 girls and 1 boy . There all much older then i am im the baby of the family . im very close to my older sister yadi , she rasied me as one of her own . I love her to death like my mom . Im also very close to my other sibling especially my only brother He protects me as if he were my dad . My other sister is my boss so i love her and respect her very much . The one im closes to is my sister that is closer in age to me shes my best friend. The others I don't see they