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Pure Soul By Sam Fischer

  • Coupons

    Our business will have coupons that offer different benefits like 10% of any baked good or 15% off your next cup of coffee. The way these coupons will be distributed, will be by handing them out at any local event like football game or fair.
  • Coupon Plans

    Coupon Plans
    Pure Soul will have coupon plans that offer your 4th cup of coffee free “buy 3 get the 4th one free”.
  • Incentives

    One incentive Pure Soul will have will be the Coffee Bean Count. They will have to guess the amount of coffee beans in a jar. Whoever gets the closest will win a free meal including coffee, t shirt with our logo and a coffee mug.
  • Traffic Builders

    Traffic Builders
    The traffic builder that will be used to promote will be a coffee mug with our name and logo on it. I selected this promotional strategy because it will get our name out there.
  • Product Samples

    Product Samples
    The product sample that Pure Soul will have, will be a free coffee. These samples will be distributed at any local events like football games and will be given out at a local fair.