Wes's time line

  • Cotton Gin

    The Cotton Gin separated the seeds from cotton balls.This led to a MASSIVE production in cotton. The cotton gin quickly changed agriculture in the south.
    Source: Georgiaencyclopdeia
  • Land Lotteries

    At 1805 Georgia started Land Lotteries to sell land to farmers. This gave farmers a lot of land to farm on. Georgia sold 3 quarters of the state to 100,000 families
    Source Georgiaencyclopedia,
  • John Ross

    He became chief for the Cherokee in 1827. He rebuilt the nation Indian territory. John Ross helped to establish the Cherokee nation's first government.
    Source: Georgiaencyclopedia
  • Dahlonega Gold Rush

    PEople settled to this land to find gold. The gold belonged to the natives so they had to return the gold.This event made a lot of people move out to other places in Georgia.
    Source: Georgiaencyclopedia
  • Railroads

    John D, Gray was the first major railroad contracter. His brother constructed railroads in Georgia.
    This event made traveling a lot more easier and quicker than traveling on the road for a long time.
    Source: Georgiaencyclopedia
  • Cotton Gin