Reading History

  • Newborn - 4 years old

    Newborn - 4 years old
    My mom and dad used to read to me all the time when I was a baby and young toddler. Now I did not know what they were saying, but I am sure I enjoyed looking at the pictures. By the time I was four I knew all my ABC's and colors from the books my parents read to me.
  • 5 - 7 years old

    5 - 7 years old
    When I was in kindergarten, the reader changed from my parents to my teacher. My parents would still read books with me at home, but my teacher helped me to understand exactly what I was reading. I remember she would read the book to us page by page and we would follow along in our own book. After each page we would repeat the same page back to her. I had just learned to read, so I was not the best yet.
  • 7-10

    When I was in 3rd-5th grade, I began to read more difficult books. I think I finished my first chapter book in fifth grade. I loved to read, I think this was because I was exposed to it at such a young age. My teachers read less at us, and we read more alone or with our peers.
  • 11-13 Years Old

    11-13 Years Old
    Middle school has begun, and we cut out the picture books almost completely. My reading and English teachers were the best. They continued to show me why I enjoyed reading. This is when popcorn reading began to be more popular. I remember counting the paragraphs ahead, so that I could practice the paragraph that I needed to read.
  • 14-15 Years Old

    14-15 Years Old
    The start of high school. I read things like Romeo and Juliet, and Of mice and men. Reading comprehension increased, I remember starting high school in a regular English class, and by the end I was move into an honors class. I had the best English teacher who pushed me to go into the honors class to expand on my reading and writing.
  • 15-16 Years Old

    15-16 Years Old
    My favorite book I read my sophomore year of high school was The Great Gatsby. Comprehension for this book was not that hard. We read this book alone, and sometimes followed along with an audio book in class. Because of how hard my freshman year English teacher pushed me, I was never in a regular English class again.
  • 16-17 Years Old

    16-17 Years Old
    Junior year has begun, and we read To Kill A Mocking Bird and Lord of the Flies. At this point, I still enjoyed reading. Not as much as the previous years. I think this is because as I got older, I did not have anyone pushing me to continue reading. If you read you read, and if you didn't then oh well. Audio books became more popular.
  • 17-18 Years Old

    17-18 Years Old
    My final year of high school, and we read Malcom X. This book was harder to understand. But I found the concept interesting, so even though it would take me a few times to understand what the book was saying I eventually got it. Spark notes seemed to be helpful. So if you did not have time to read you could just read the chapter summary and understand what you missed.
  • 18-20 Years Old

    18-20 Years Old
    Started college, and outside of textbooks we do not read that many books. Ebooks have become more popular, so I did not have to go to the library anymore. I did not have anyone else pushing me to read books outside of school, but I still did it. I enjoyed a good drama and romance book.
  • 20-24 years Old

    20-24 years Old
    Colleen Hoover is one of my favorite authors. I read for fun. We analyze a lot of poetry in my college courses. I still enjoy reading in my free time, it maybe less but I still like it. .