

  • 7.2 Childhood Attachment Experience

    I always had a strong bond with my mom. So when my mother and I separated, I did not show much distress since we had formed a ‘plan’ for our separation & reunion. In the middle of childhood, my attachment style changed. Going to school, there was longer separation, but know the availability & contact of my mother reassured we will be reunited once school ends. We had a secure base on being able to keep our communication lines open & I to move towards in being a little more independent each time.
  • 1.1 - The Beginning

    1.1 - The Beginning
    The start of my transition from adolescence to adulthood is when I learned independence, resposibilities, and making decision for myself. This is when I stopped living in the present and focused on the future when as a child, I lived in the moment and not worried about the future. For me this is an age-graded influence. Many young adult can identify with me that going to college is when they became an adult, though it does not apply to all.
  • 6.1 Young Adult Role Transition

    6.1 Young Adult Role Transition
    At the age of 18, I entered the stage of college life.At this time, I felt it was the beginning of my transition to adulthood or what is now called emerging adulthood. I expected to go through this transition because I have always wanted to contiue to higher education. This was and still is the time where I spend time going through identity exploration and trying different experiences that will shape me into the woman hope to become.
  • 11.1 Major Life Event

    Change in Financial Stability: When I moved off-campus with my partner, everything became expensive! The rent alone beat my paycheck by $500! Everyday we live paycheck to paycheck. So in order to reduce our stress, we used Problem-Focused Coping strategies! One, We took control of the situation & changed some things. I took on a third job. I also did some information seeking to talk with professionals about bugeting & saving money to avoid this type of situation from appearing in the future.
  • 3.1 Oxidative Damage

    3.1 Oxidative Damage
    Oxygen. Without oxygen, there would be no life. We need it to live, breathe, and stay healthy, but it also has its downfall. When we breathe in oxygen, it can bring in oxidative damge to the cells in our bodies. One example is Lung cancer from smoking, even second hand smoking. Free radicals is external causes to damges of our bodies. To help prolong life, our bodies need to avoid any toxic exposures. In this case, it is to stop smoking as it may lead to other diseases.
  • 3.2 Genetic Limits

    3.2 Genetic Limits
    Hayflick limis is what determines our lifetime. The human cells stop dividing after 50 times. It is a blueprint of our lives that is encoded in our DNA systems from our parents. But it can be accelerated or slowed down dur to oxidations such as toxics and pollution. So lets say I lead a healthy lifestyle (after all, deathtimer.com says I live to 93) and I eat well along with proper exercise, I can buy time and slow down my cell division.
  • 4.1 - My Current Healthy Lifestyle

    4.1 - My Current Healthy Lifestyle
    According to the survey I took, I believe is average. I do not lead a sedentary lifestyle, but I also do not lead aactive lifestyle. With eating healthy, I try. Exercising, I barely get any in with my hectic schedule & two jobs. If I had any energy left, I would try. I do not overuse alcohol & never smoked. If I could make any changes, I would not try to eat better (soda/fast food) & exercise 3 times a week at least. Doing this will l avoid future health problems: Cancer, Diabetes, & such.
  • 7.1 Adult Attachment Style

    My attachment style: SecureIn my relationships, I believe that I am a secure adult because I am able to communicate my feelings and notice feelings of others, my response is empathetic, and have appositive outlook on my relationships. I do feel comfortable relying on others and having others depend on them, but I do like my sense of independence at times as well. The balance between both is fairly well. My interpersonal skills with others are satisfying.
  • 9.1 - Generativity

    9.1 - Generativity
    Lore Amloot's Life Story on Hilde Marie: In Hilde's young/middle adulthood. she worked to get her teaching degree to help support her parents. All earinigs went towards her parents. When Hilde moved out, she had did not have financial savings to fall back on. This shows Generativity - the concern for family. But, I noticed Hilde did not have any Work-Role Preoccupation as she stated that her retirement years was the best & most enjoyable as she is able to travel & spend time with her husband!
  • 9.2 - Ego Integrity

    9.2 - Ego Integrity
    Brittany F - Morton Kramer's Life Story:
    Morton went through so much in his life mainly as he is deaf. However, he got through it all: Graduated HS at age 15, met the love of his life, have 3 kids, great family dinners, went to college, & all in all, he is proud of how he accomplished to who he is today. With retirement, he feels so good to finally be able to relax & enjoy life. Main message: Life is precious, cherish it! This shows ego integrity: Morton feels accomplished & lived a happpy life.
  • 10.1 Fowler

    Fowler's Stages of Faith is from infancy to old age. Fowler's theory is not based on age, but spirituality individuals go through during their lives. During this time, I would be going through the individuative-reflective stage. This is when I start to realize there are other belifs out there other than my own. When this happens, I start questioning my own belief. At this point, I become very non-religious as I feel unsure which is right and real. My belief becomes less of a black & white area.
  • 8.1 My RIASEC Type

    8.1 My RIASEC Type
    The result after taking the RIASEC test, my primary personality is Social. This type of personality selection is what perfectly describes me. My vocational interest involves 1) Veterinarian and 2) Animal Assisted Therapist. These two type of jobs fit my personality type as it involves assistance and empowerment of learning and personal development to individuals. I like working directly with people rather than working in a cubicle and doing file work. I want to be of service to people.
  • 5.1 - Working Memory

    5.1 - Working Memory
    Fluid intelligence is the abliity to think logicially and be able to solve problems. This usually declind around 35-40 years of age. In the year 2024, I will be 35. Challenges can be seen during performances on speed of processing and working memory. To compensate for the decline, the text suggested crossword puzzles regularly. If you use your abilities, the decline is a lot less. That would be one way to succeed at the ADL.
  • 6.2 - Older Adult Role Transition

    6.2 - Older Adult Role Transition
    I will be 47 years old. At this time, I expect to start caring for an aging parent: my mom. Research shows women are more likely to become the caregiver and is especially high in hispanic american culture. The challenges may be the sandwich concept of my own parent & child, job status, economy, and stress. This is called the caregiver burden - affects mental and physical of caregivers. I hope to have my partner/kids help me cope with these challenges.
  • 4.2 Potential Consequences of my Lifestyle

    4.2 Potential Consequences of my Lifestyle
    One of the survey question is if I use sunscreen consistently. I am from Florida and I love the sun. I generally do not use sunscreen. Instead, I use tanning oil. In the long run, I am at risk for different type of cancer. In order to prevent me from getting cancer later in my older adulthood years, I shoud use sunscreen and become more aware of what the sun can do to me.
  • 8.2 Super's Stages

    8.2 Super's Stages
    At this time, I will be 65 years old. What to do with my career? I would be looking into retirement. In Super's Stages of Career Development, that would be the final stage called Disengagement. I would probably be ready to live life on my own, travel, and spend whatever years I have left with my precious family and friends. Before approaching the disengagement stage, I would be planning my retirement and figuring out what I could do with my free time.
  • 1.1 The End

    1.1 The End
    Rebecca Gemil Marie Roa, passed away on Friday, July 24, 2082, at the age of 93, peacefully in her sleep at her home in Puerto Rico.Ms. Roa was born on March 24, 1989 in Queens, New York. She received her Bachelor of Science in Psychology from Gallaudet University in 2012. She continued her education at the University of Central Florida from which she received her Masters Degree in Mental Health Counseling in 2014. Ms. Roa has chosen the life of an Animal Assisted Therapist taking inspiration f