Renaissance, Reformation,And Exploration

  • Sep 23, 1436

    GutenBurg Printed Press

    GutenBurg Printed Press
    This invention was though by Johannes Gutenberg in 1041. It was made out of moveable clay parts in China. Joannes was a buisness man.He moved to germany to start his creation because in china money was low and worth nothing. after getting money he created a printing press out of metal and wood replaceable peaces.This action happened in 1436 completerd in 1440.the reasoning made faster new to get out with books and letters.
  • Period: Sep 23, 1450 to


  • Aug 3, 1492

    columbus lands in america

    columbus lands in america
    On augest third 1492 Columbus sails from spain with three small boats. in October columbus lands on unknown land as amaeica and calls it spains land.His goal was too find the gold and spice iland on his way too asia, but he went of course and found land know to us as America. Although theory says others landed in america first,know to date colubus was the first to discover america.
  • Sep 23, 1503

    Da Vinci Mona Lisa

    Da Vinci Mona Lisa
    Who Leonrdo Da Vinci
    What. Oil painting on popular wood of mona Lisa
    where Itali
    Why, Leonardo wanted to create something that poped to people at the time. His creation did so because its considered the most famous painting of all time.
  • Sep 23, 1504

    Michelangelo david statue

    Michelangelo david statue
    Biblical Hero Named David in the story david and goliath. Michel angelo was the richest artest of his time. it took him to make the statue of david 3 years from 1501-1504. This sculpture was made in florence
  • Oct 31, 1517

    Luther 95 Theses

    Luther 95 Theses
    On this day was when mr.luther nailed the 95 Theses. The paper was a document of question that refer to the pope and how he was doing wrong in sharing false information about the bible. How all you need is faith to get into hevean and not have to pay 500 of the money. This happened in italy and even spread to germany. This action happened in 1517.
  • Sep 23, 1518

    Counsil of trent

    Counsil of trent
    The councel of trent was created because a father,Luther is his name appeled against the pope to the general councel. The reason was because basiclly he didnt believe what the pope was preching. he thought that you can get into hevean without having to pay money. this action happened on 1518.
  • Sep 23, 1520

    Cortes conqures the aztecs

    Cortes conqures the aztecs
    Cortes is from spain. He went too the aztecs or the ilands of cuba to find gold and over all power. The aztecs leader thoguht he was a god and at first gave cortes many gifts. But cortes didnt care and wanted power. He left the aztecs land many times and came back with many men to wipe out the aztecs. He ended up going to war in 1520 and concered the aztecs and ended up getting all of there items and even land.
  • Sep 23, 1521

    Machiavelli writes The prince

    Machiavelli writes The prince
    For politicians that inspired the word Manchiavellian. This put him as the part of mardon political theory, or the father of political. This action was done in 1521. It was to put everybody that didnt know Manchiavellian.
  • May 1, 1524

    Da Gama Voyage to India

    Da Gama Voyage to India
    Da Gama Was the first person to sail across from Europe to India. He was born in sines He was told by the king to find miratime route to the east. His Voyage whas to india in 1524.
  • Apr 23, 1564

    Shakespeare born

    Shakespeare born
    Shakespeare Creating some of the greatest plays of all time was Born on 1564 Not the exact date know but the church says he was born in april 23 1564. Funny fact is shakespeare died on his birthday so, april 23 1616. He was born in England.