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Revolución de la independencia

  • Jean Jacques Dessalines definitely defeated the French troops.

    Jean Jacques Dessalines definitely defeated the French troops.
    proclaimed the colony of Saint-Domingue as the second free state of America, under the name of Haiti, and has previously been appointed governor general for life
  • Declared the independence of Haiti.

    Declared the independence of Haiti.
    the new chief, under the dictatorial constitution of 1805, declared Haiti an independent republic on behalf of the Haitian people, followed by the massacre of the remaining whites.
  • Napoleon invaded Portugal, Juan VI took refuge in Brazil

    Napoleon invaded Portugal, Juan VI took refuge in Brazil
    Portugal also took advantage of the turbulent political situations developed since the Napoleonic invasion of Spain in 1808, presenting Princess Carlota Joaquina, wife of John VI
  • Plan of Iguala: Agustin Iturbide proclaims himself emperor.

    Plan of Iguala: Agustin Iturbide proclaims himself emperor.
    The Iguala Project or North America Freedom Project has been a political archive declared by Agustín de Iturbide on February 24, 1821 in the city of Iguala de la Libertad,
  • Juan VI promoted a legal reform

    Juan VI promoted a legal reform
    then he promoted a legal reform by which he affirmed Brazil as the territorial base of the "Empire of Brazil, Portugal and the Algarve".
  • Juan VI returned to Portugal, leaving his son Pedro de Braganza as governor of Brazil.

    Juan VI returned to Portugal, leaving his son Pedro de Braganza as governor of Brazil.
    Juan VI returns to Portugal, leaving his son Pedro de Braganza as governor of Brazil.
  • Haiti submits the eastern part (Dominican Republic)

    Haiti submits the eastern part (Dominican Republic)
    After numerous unsuccessful arbitration conventions between the Dominican Republic and Haiti, an attempt at conciliation emanating from the Vatican and the auspices of the USA.
  • He proclaimed himself emperor of Brazil.

    He proclaimed himself emperor of Brazil.
    The imperial regime, through the 37th and last ministerial cabinet, developed on June 7, 1889, under the command of the president of the Council of Ministers of the Empire, Alfonso Celso de Assis Figueiredo, Viscount of Ouro Preto, of the Liberal Party,
  • He abdicated and was succeeded by his son, Pedro II.

    He abdicated and was succeeded by his son, Pedro II.
    The son and successor of Peter, Boris II was observed forced to recognize the autonomy of Sviatoslav, and soon after has been captured by the Byzantines
  • Lopez de Santa Anna was proclaimed president of the Republic.

    Lopez de Santa Anna was proclaimed president of the Republic.
    López de Santa Anna y Pérez de Lebrón has been a Mexican politician and military man. He has been President of Mexico in eleven situations.
  • Spain recognizes independence.

    Spain recognizes independence.
    Spain officially recognizes the Independence of Mexico through the "Santa María-Calatrava" Treaty. The treaty by which Spain officially recognizes the Independence of Mexico
  • Civil War

    Civil War
    It has been an armed problem in Venezuela that confronted the conservatives led by José Antonio Páez against the recently established liberal regime of José Tadeo Monagas.
  • England invaded Belize.

    England invaded Belize.
    Is a sovereign country of America located in the extreme northeast of Central America. It is the only country in Central America whose form of government is organized in a constitutional parliamentary monarchy
  • Scream of Yara.

    Scream of Yara.
    On the night that passed from October 9 to 10, 1868 at the La Demajagua sugar mill, the Ten Years' War began.
  • Dominican Republic achieves its independence

    Dominican Republic achieves its independence
    Liberals. Juan Pablo Duarte, creator of the La Trinitaria underground movement. Ideologist and promoter of the Dominican war of independence.
  • The Scream of Lares.

    The Scream of Lares.
    It was an armed insurrection that occurred on September 23, 1868 that sought the independence of Puerto Rico from the colonial government of Spain.
  • Portugal recognized its independence.

    Portugal recognized its independence.
    Portugal recognizes the independence of Brazil. It was a continuation of the First Continental Congress, which met during the previous year.
  • The US declares war on Spain.

    The US declares war on Spain.
    The Spanish-American War was a military conflict that confronted Spain and the United States in 1898, the result of the American intervention in the Cuban War of Independence.
  • Cuba proclaimed its independence.

    Cuba proclaimed its independence.
    Cuba remained occupied by United States military forces until May 20, 1902, the year in which the independence of the island of Cuba was declared.
  • Panama part of the Viceroyalty of New Granada.

    Panama part of the Viceroyalty of New Granada.
    The main characteristics of the viceroyalty of New Granada were the following: It was organized on the previous audiences of Quito, Santa Fe and Panama, which were part of the viceroyalty of Peru and the eastern territory of Venezuela.