Haitian Revolution

  • Steam engine

    Steam machines working for industrial work
  • Spinning Jenny

    Ball of yarn maker
  • Period: to


  • French Revolution

    The french revolution started when the people overthrew the monarchy and established a Republic.
  • pre rebellion starts

    With the Voodoo ceremony where the ensalved people in the forests planned their rebellion.
  • Pre revolution

    Enslaved men start to set fire to an state and warned people about their rebellion.
  • Haitian Revolution Begins

    The revolution starts when the whites saw for surprise that Saint Domingue was on fire.
  • Rebels allied

    The rebels allied with the Spanish, the the new french abolished slavery and Louverture fought them.
  • Cotton gin

    Helps makes more cooton crops
  • Primary Electoral

    Primary electoral assemblied in Saint domingue the corporal of the legislative body France. Thios made the entrance of Louverture easier.
  • Restoring

    The island of th Hispaniola was restored by France.
  • Napoleon Bonaparte

    French Leader, send expedition to restore his territory and slavery.
  • Territory claim.

    LOUVERTURE fought for his territory until 1803.
  • Estabilishing a constitution

    Louverture helped to establish a constitution with his pwer over the island, making him governor and had almost absolute powers.
  • Louverture diess

    Louverture dies in prison, and france is defeated un 1803.
  • Telegraph

    Message sent quickly by wire.
  • Sewing Machine

    Machine to sew clothing and things, used at home.