Revolutionary war timeline

By demonte
  • Minutemen formed

    They were able to protect their community within just a minute.
  • first Navigation Acts passsed

    Colonist were only able to trade with England.
  • Boston Newsletter first published

    John Campbell started the newsletter to tell colonies about the Boston Tea party.
  • King George the third crowned

    He signed the Treaty of Paris which gained America independence.
  • Great Awakening

    Great Awakening
    It was a period of when people thought with reason
  • French and Indian War begins

    Began disputes over subsequent frontier policies and paying war expenses led to colonial discontent.
  • Albany Plan of Union created

    To place British North American colonies under a more centralized government.
  • Proclamation of 1763 passed

    It forbaded colonial settlement west of the appalachian mountains.
  • Sugar Act passed

    Sugar Act passed
    Used to try and gain control over the colonies.
  • Molasses Act passed

    Molasses Act passed
    Imposed tax on imports of molasses from non-british colonies
  • Currency Act passed

    Currency Act passed
    Brought economic depession which fueled discontent on the American revolt against the British.
  • Stamp Act passed

    Required all American colonist to pay a tax on every piece of printed paper they used.
  • Quartering Act passed

    Colonist was forced to let British troops into their homes.
  • Sons of Liberty formed

    Was a rebellious group against the Stamp Act.
  • Stamp Act Congress meets

    All colonies met together to prepare a unified protest of the Stamp Act to Britain.
  • Declaratory Acts passed

    It accompanied the repeal of the Stamp Act and stated that taxing authority was the same in America as in Great Britain.
  • Writs of Assistance passed

    Documents search warrants to assist the British government in enforcing smuggling provisions.
  • Townshend Acts passed

    Townshends Acts hoped it would defray imperial expenses in the colonies, but many Americans say it as an abuse of power.
  • Colonist begin boycotting British goods

    Colonist were fighting British taxes.
  • Boston Massacre

    It is considered to be the first battle of the Revolutionary War
  • Intolerable Acts passed

    Intolerable Acts passed
    repealed all taxes, except on tea
  • Committees of Correspondence sends first Circular letter

    It attacked Parliaments persistence in taxing the colonies without proper representatives.
  • Tea Act

    Was to raise revenue from the colonies and to bail out the floundering East India Company, which was a key factor in British economy.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Samuel Adams and many others dressed as indians and threw 342 chest of tea into the Boston Harbor to boost trouble for the British East India Company.
  • Closing of all American ports

    Wanted Boston to pay for tea dumped into the boston harbor
  • Quebec Act passed

    Quebec Act passed
    Wanted to get permanent control of Canada.
  • First Continental Congress meets

    Served as government of the thirteen colonies.
  • Suffolk Resolves issued

    Suffolk Resolves issued
    Rejected the Massachusetts Government Act and resolved on boycott of imported goods.
  • 'Give me libery or give me death' spoken

    Famous becasue Virginai joined in the American Revolution
  • British attack on Concord

    British attack on Concord
    British quickly retreated after under intense fire
  • Second Continetal Congress begins

    Took great heights for Americas independence ans ratified the first national constitution.
  • Olive Branch Petition signed

    Attempt to asset rights to colonists while maintaining loyalty to the crown.
  • Common Sense published

    The pamplet caused a revolution in a way people thought.
  • Declaration of Independence signed

    It led to independence from Great Britain
  • British hire Hessians to fight against Americans

    They were hired because they were mercanaries and hated by Americans.
  • Letters From an American Farmer published