Revolutionary War Timeline

  • Suger Act

    Suger Act
    Place: Britian
    Description: That a three-cent tax ojn foriegn refined sugar and increased taxes on coffee, indigo, and certain kind of wine.
    Signifcance: They placed tax on sugar, wine and other important things.
  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
    Place: virginia house of Burgesses
    Description: every newpaper, pamphelt,and other public and legal document had to have a stamp, British seal on it.
    Signifcance: was an act passed by the Britisdh paliament in a bid to tax the American colonies.
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    Place: Boston
    Decription: Boston Massacre was a street right. Between a patriot mob, throwing snowballs. Stones and sticks and a squad of British soldiers.
    Signifcance: The Boston Massacre was a signal event leading to the Revolution war.
  • Townshend Acts

    Townshend Acts
    Place: Presented a motion inb the house
    Description:These laws placed new on glass, lead,paints, paper,and tea.
    Signifcance:Charles townshede told parliment that he had a way to raise revenue in the colonies so in 1767 arliament passed his plan.
  • Tea Act

    Tea Act
    Place: Boston Description: They had to make the tea go up and wine and trhat just because of taxes. Signifcance: The act allowed draw backs of the duties.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    Description:A group of men calling themsleve the son of liberty went to the boston harbor. The men was dressed as mohawks.
  • Intolerable Acts

    Intolerable Acts
    Description: series of laws sponsored by British minister lord north and enacted in 1774 in response to the boston teaparty.
    Signifcance: These acts were the harshest so far of all acts passed by parliament.
  • First continental congress

    First continental congress
    Place: carnters hall in p hiladelphia
    Description: This was an effort to show a combined authority to Great Britain.
    Signifcance: It was here that it was agreed that the king and parliment must be made to understand grievances of the colonies.
  • Declaration of Rights

    Declaration of Rights
    Place: philadelphia
    Description: This document listed the rights that Great Britain was denying the Americans.
    Significance: Is the declaration to the king and parliament telling the congress position.
  • Lexington & concord

    Lexington & concord
    Place: Boston Description:The BRitish chose mto march to concord becuase it was an arm dept. This ment that the Americans had stockpiled weapons there. Signifcance:700 soldiers to destory guns and ammunition.
  • second continental congress

    second continental congress
    Descrition: Ment for a second time when redcoats were storming boston again.
    Signifcance: It commissioned george washington of virginia to be the supereme commander and authorized the printing of money.
  • Battle of Bunker Hill

    Battle of Bunker Hill
    Place: on the Charlestown Peninsula on the northside of Boston Harbour.
    2,400 British troops mof the Boston garrison against 1,500 troops of the American continental army.
    Significane: WHile the BRitish drove the Americans from the Charlestown Peninsula it was heavly mloss. The battle was at the time considere to be an American defeat but has since been lifted to the ranks of a heroic. stands against force3 oppression.
  • Olive Branch Petition

    Olive Branch Petition
    Place: Pennsylvaina Description: A direct appeal to the king Thomas Jefferson wrote the first draft but John dickinson altered it and perated it to congree. Signifcance: It was attempt to avoid a full-blown war with great britain.
  • Common Sense

    Common Sense
    Place: philadelphia
    Description: It is a paper that argues for American independence.
    Significance: The paper brought the rising revolutionary feelings into focus.
  • Delcaration of Independence

    Delcaration of Independence
    Place: Philadelphia
    Description: It was a paper that said U.S is not ruled by Great Britain.
    Significance: A document that told the world why the American revolution happened
  • Battle of NewYork

    Battle of NewYork
    Place: NewYork, United states of Amrica.
    Decription: It was between 20,000 British troops and around 10,000 Americans troops.
    Significance: The loss f new york was the worst period of the war for washington and amrican cause of indepence
  • Battle of Trenton

    Battle of Trenton
    Place: Trenton New Jersey on the Delaware river
    Decription: 2,400 Amrican troops with 1 guns 1,400 Hessians with 6 light guns.
    Siginificance: The battle was a resounding physical and moral victory for washington and his American troops.
  • Battle of Brandywine Creek

    Battle of Brandywine Creek
    place: Pennsylvaina,west of philadelpha Battle between 6,000 British and Hessian troops and 8,000 American continental troops. British and Hessian drive Americans from the Feild. Brandy wine is not considered a decisive battle, neverless it hastened the loss of philadelphia to the British. The British failed to explot their success.
  • Valley Forge

    Valley Forge
    Place: Valley Forge
    Description:It were people go in the winter time to play around in snow.
    Signifcance: People go to make alot of pictures in the snow or to go down long hills on sledes.
  • Battle of york town

    Battle of york town
    Place: virginina united states of America.
    Decription: 8,800 Americans, 7,800 French and 6,000 British on 14th october the Americans and french stormed two redoubts in front of their trenches and the position of the British in york town become untenable.
    Significance: The Americans and French ended the fighting in the war and led to the peace treaty that acknow ledged the independence of the American states.