Flagmap of ussr

Rise and Fall of the U.S.S.R

  • Lenin

    Lenin and other revolutionaries return Russia from Germany
  • Poland

    Russia is at War with Poland
  • Peace Treaty

    Poland and the Soviet Union sign a peace treaty
  • Union

    Union treaty formally jions Russia, Ukrain, Belarus, and Transcaucass into the Soviet Union.
  • Recognition

    Germany recognizes the Soviet Union
  • New Reform

    Soviet Union adopts con­sti­tu­tion based on the dic­ta­tor­ship of the pro­le­tariat and stip­u­lat­ing the pub­lic own­er­ship of land and the means of pro­duc­tion; Lenin dies and is replaced by Joseph Stalin
  • Recognition

    The United States recognizes the Soviet Union
  • Atomic

    The Sovet Union explodes first atomic device
  • Stalin Dies

    Stalin dies and is suceeded by Georgi Malenkov as Prime Minister
  • President

    Brezhnev elected as president under new constitution
  • Brezhnev dies

    Brezh­nev dies and is replaced by KGB chief Yuri Andropov.
  • Andropov Dies

    Andropov dies and is replaced by Kon­stan­tin Chernenko
  • President

    Andrey Gromyko becomes president
  • Reform

    Mikhali Gorbachev proposes econimic and political reform
  • Communist Party

    Com­mu­nist Party votes to end one-party rule;Yeltsin elected pres­i­dent of the Russ­ian Soviet Fed­er­a­tive Social­ist Repub­lic by the latter’s par­lia­ment and leaves the Soviet Com­mu­nist Party.
  • The Fall

    The Fall
    The Russian gevernment take over offices of U.S.S.R in Russia