Road to independence timeline

  • battles of Lexington and Concord

    hundreds of British troops marched from Boston to nearby Concord in order to seize an arms cache.
  • Paul reveres Ride

    Paul Revere was instructed by the Sons of Liberty to ride to Lexington, Mass., to warn Samuel Adams and John Hancock that British troops were marching to arrest them
  • Battle of Bunker Hill

    The battle is named after Bunker Hill in Charlestown, Massachusetts, which was peripherally involved in the battle.
  • Thje declaration of independence

    t was an official act taken by all 13 American colonies in declaring independence from British rule
  • Washingots crossing

    first move in a surprise attack organized by George Washington against the Hessian (German mercenaries) forces in Trenton, New Jersey, on the morning of December 26.
  • battle of saratoga

    It included two crucial battles, fought eighteen days apart, and was a decisive victory for the Continental Army and a crucial turning point in the Revolutionary War.
  • valley forge

    Valley Forge functioned as the third of eight military encampments for the Continental Army's main body
  • battle of yorktown

    the last great battle of the American Revolutionary War