Boston tea party loc

Road to Revolution by Leroy McClelland 1st hour

By Leroy M
  • French and Indian War (1754-1763)

    French and Indian War (1754-1763)
    Who fought on each side: French with Native Americans vs. British Colonies with the British Government.
    Where: North America
    When: 1754-1763
    Who won the war: colonies
    How is this a cause that led to war?:
    Britain was in debt because of the war which later made Britain put TARIFF on the colonist. Also King George the 3rd sent troops to watch over the Appalachian mountains to make sure none of the colonists could go west.
  • Proclamation of (1763)

    Proclamation of (1763)
    Who issued it: King George the 3rd Who did it affect: The French, Native Americans, and the colonist When: 1763 What did the Proclamation do to the colonies?:
    The proclamation made it so the colonists could not expand west of the Appalachian mountains, it also made it illegal for colonists to trade with Natives for land. How is this a cause that led to war?:
    The colonists did not like having the British troops where they lived and caused them to be unsettled.
  • Sugar Act (1764)

    Sugar Act (1764)
    When was it enacted: 1764 How did it affect the colonists? It impacted trade because rum was made from molasses and sugar. How is this a cause that led to war?:
    The colonists were very annoyed by the taxes hurting their trade, which ignited lots of protest. After the sugar act was implemented the colonist created the COMMITTEE of CORRESPONDENCE.
  • Stamp Act (1765)

    Stamp Act (1765)
    When was it enacted: March 1765 How did it affect the colonists? It required all printed documents to be printed on stamp paper, which was provided and taxed by the British. How is this a cause that led to war?:
    It made colonists mad because now even more taxes were being put on them from the PARLIAMENT.
  • Quartering Act (1765)

    Quartering Act (1765)
    When was it enacted: March 24 1765 How did it affect the colonists? It made it so each colony was required to provide lodging for British soldiers. How is this a cause that led to war?
    This made the colonists mad because not only did they not like the British but now they had to provide houses for them. This built even more dislike to the British, and shortly after the act was passed the SONS OF LIBERTY was formed the group later became the foundation for the first American MILITIA.
  • Boston Massacre (1770)

    Boston Massacre (1770)
    Who: British soldiers and colonist Where: Boston When: March 5, 1770 What happened and why: British soldiers killed 5 colonists at a protest after a protester threw a brick at a soldier. How is this a cause that led to war?
    An artist made a painting of the massacre and outrage instantly spread across the colonies. This outrage united the 13 colonies against the British and inspired them to communicate with each other.
  • Tea Act (1773)

    Tea Act (1773)
    When was it enacted: May 10, 1773 How did it affect the colonists? It hurt the colonial merchants because they could no longer sell tea, and the colonies could only buy IMPORTED tea from the British with high taxes. How is this a cause that led to war?:
    In direct response to this act a patriot group called the Sons of Liberty protested by dumping tea off of a British boat making it useless.
  • Boston Tea Party (1773)

    Boston Tea Party (1773)
    Who: The Sons of Liberty Where: Boston harbor When: Dec. 16 1773 What happened and why: The Sons of Liberty slipped onto a British ship carrying 342 chests of tea and dumped it all into the harbor. They did this because they wanted to show that the British couldn't control the colonists. Outcome/effect:
    It really showed the colonists that they could fight back if they were willing to. It also angered the king into passing new laws that heavily punished the colonists.
  • Intolerable Acts (1774)

    Intolerable Acts (1774)
    Who:British Parliament When: March 24, 1774 What happened and why:
    The king wanted to punish the colonists for the Boston Tea Party so he decided to pass a series of acts. These acts were the Boston harbor act, Massachusetts government act, administration of justice act, and Quebec act. How is this a cause that led to war?
    The British thought the laws would help control the colonists, but actually united them, so much so that even LOYALIST ended up helping Boston with the aftermath.