Road to Revolution

  • French and Indian war

    This war began due to a conflict between England and France over control of the Ohio River Valley.
  • Proclamation of 1763

    This proclamation was issued by King George III
  • The Sugar Act was made

    The Sugar Act, was a law that attempted to curb the smuggling of sugar and molasses in the colonies by reducing the previous tax rate and enforcing the collection of duties.
  • Stamp Act of 1765

    Goods were stamped to show the tax had been paid.
  • Townshend Acts

    The Townshend Acts were a series of laws passed by the British government on the American colonies, they placed new taxes and took away some freedoms from the colonists
  • The Boston Massacre

    The Boston Massacre was a street fight between a "patriot" mob, throwing snowballs, stones, and sticks, and a squad of British soldiers.
  • Tea Act

    The Tea Act, a bill designed to save the faltering East India Company from bankruptcy by greatly lowering the tea tax.
  • Boston Tea Party

    American colonists were, frustrated and angry at Britain for imposing “taxation without representation,” dumped 342 chests of tea, imported by the British East India Company into the harbor.
  • Intolerable Acts

    The series of acts British Parliament passed was a reaction to the Boston Tea Party came to be known in the American colonies as the Intolerable Acts.
  • 1st Congressional Congress

    The First Continental Congress, which was comprised of delegates from the colonies, in reaction to the Coercive Acts, a series of measures imposed by the British government on the colonies in response to their resistance to new taxes.