Road to Revolution

  • The French and Indian War

    It was a wat between Brittan and France. The war lasted from 1556 to 1763.
  • The proclamation of 1763

    It was a seven year long war. It was issued by king George the third on October 7 of 1763.
  • The sugar Act

    The British legislation wanted to end the smuggling of sugar. I was also called the plantation act and the revenue act.
  • stamp act of 1766

    The act forced colonists to buy a British stamp for every official document they owned. After months of protesting to repel the stamp act in march of 1766.
  • Townshend acts of 1767

    The act went into effect in November 20 of 1767. it was to state the the British parliament had the same authority to tax American colonies as they did in great Brittan.
  • The Boston massacre

    It was a confrontation on march 5 1770 were British soldiers shot and killed many people while being harassed by a mob in Boston. There was 5 people killed and they were killed with a flintlock Musket.
  • Tea act

    The objective of the act was to reduce the amount of tea. Held by the financially troubled British east Indian company in the London warehouses. It was to also help the struggling company to continue and not go down in the drain.