Road to revolution 1 728

Road to Revolution Timeline

  • French and Indian War

    French and Indian War
    When France's expansion into the Ohio River valley brought repeated conflict with the claim of the British colonies, a series of battles led to the official British delcaration of war in 1756. Boosted by the financing of future Prime Minister William Pitt, the British turned the tide with victories at Louisbourg, This lead To American Revolution because the war dept was the reason that Parliament started imposing taxes on the colonists in the first place.
  • Proclamation

    The Royal Proclamation of 1763 was issued October 7, 1763, by King George lll following Great Britain's acquisition of French territory in North America after the end of the French and Indian War/Seven years' war, which forbade all settlement past a line drawn along the Appalachian Mountains. This led to American Revolution because the law stated that people could not mvoe west of the Appalchain Mountains, but settlers ignored it and moved west anyway.
  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
    The Stamp Act employed a strategy that was a common fundrasing vehicles in England, it stirred a storm of protest in the colonies. The Stamp Act lead to American Revolution because it was a direct tax on the colonists and led to an uproar in America over an issue that was to be a major cause of the Revolution: taxation without representation.
  • Townshend Acts

    Townshend Acts
    The Townshend Acts were a series of acts passed, beginning in 1767, by the Parliament of Great Britain relating to the British colonies in North America. A series of measures introduced into the English Parliament by Chancellor of the Exchaquer Charles Townshend in 1767, the Townshend acts imposed duties on glass, lead, paints, paper and tea imported into the colonies. Townshend hoped the acts would defray imperial expenses in the colonies, but many Americans viewed the taxation as abuse power.
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    The Boston Massacre was a street fight that occured on March 5, 1770, between a "patriot" mob, throwing snowballs, stones, and sticks and a squad of British soldiers, Several colonists were killed and this led to a campaign by speech-writers to rouse the ire of the citizenry. This led to Amrerican Revolution becuse it was a signal event leading to the Revolutionary War.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    The Boston Tea Party (initially referred to by John Adams as "the Destruction of the Tea in Boston") was a political protest by the Sons of Liberty in Boston, On December 16, 1773. This lead to the American Revolution because the implication and impact of the Boston Tea party were enormous; the event directly led to the sparking of American Revolution.
  • Intolerable Acts

    Intolerable Acts
    The Intolerable Acts were the American Patriots' term for a series of punitive laws passed by British Parliament in 1774 after the Boston Tea Party. They were meant to punish the Massachusetts colonists for their defiance in throwing a large tea shipmet into Boston harbor. This led to American Revolution because it led to the convening of the First Continental Congress at Philadelphia.
  • Lexington and Concord

    Lexington and Concord
    The Battles of Lexingotn and Cocord, fought on April 19, 1775, kicked off the American Revolutionary War (1775-83). Tensions had been building for many years between residents of the 13 American colonies and the British authorities, particularly in Massachusetts. On the night of April 18, 1775, hundreds of British troops marched from Boston to nearby Concord in order to seize an arms cache. This lead to American Revolution because it was the first military engagements of the American Reolution.
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    Indenpendence was actually just on July 2, 1776 but a date that John Adams believe would be "the most memorable epocha in the history of America." On July 4, 1776 the congrass approved the final text of the Declaration. But it wasn't signed until August 2, 1776. This lead to American revolution because the the following summer, the revolutionary war in full swing, the movement for independence from Britain had grown, and delegates of the Continental Congress were faced with a voteon the issue.
  • Tea Act

    Tea Act
    The Tea Act was the inal straw in a series of unpopular policies and taxes imposed by Britain on American colonies. The policy ignited a "powder keg" of oppisition and resentment among American colonists and was the catalyst of the Boston Tea Party. The Tea Act led to American Revolution because the colonists never paid for the tea and the American Revolution followed up.