
Road to the Civil War

  • First Slaves in 13 Colonie

    The first African slaves are taken from Africa and added into the 13 colonies. This was the start of the southern economies dependence on slave labor.
  • Cotton Gin

    Increased demand for slaves
  • Constitutional convention

    Disagreement of how to run states
  • War of 1812

    caused north and south agreement/disagreement
  • The Missouri Compromise

    allowed an equal amount of slave states and free states. The missouri line was part of the Missouri Compromise and all new states south of the line could be slave and all new states north of the line could be free. Missouri itself was the only exception and it was a slave state.
  • Nat Turners Rebellion

    Nat Turner was a slave who thought god told him to revol against whites. He killed 57 whites and was captured and eventually hung.
  • Annexing Texas

    North wanted to but South didn't
  • Election of 1848

    The election became based on who supported slavery and who didnt
  • The Fugitive Slave Law

    A law making everyone including northerners hunt for excaped slaves and if they let a slave go they were fined $1,000 dolllars. ALso if a judge sent an african american back to the south they gained $10 but if they freed one they gine $5. For the extra money judges would send innocents to the South
  • Uncle Tom's Cabin

    A fiction book written by Harrriet Beeker Stowe about a kind african american man named uncle Tom who had his life ruined by slavery and eventually was killed by his owner when he wouldnt reveal the location of two runaway slaves. this book was widely popular throughout the north and opened northerners eyes to reathlize that this was a problem that couldnt be ingnored. THe South thought this book innaccurately explained slavery.
  • Kansas-Nebraska Act

    Act spltting nebraska tarreitory and letting them vot by popular soverignity
  • Underground railroad

    A fake railroad where Harriet Tubman and others would take slaves to escape to the north or to Canada for freedom
  • Harriet Tubman

    An escaped slave who worked the underground railroad and helped slaves, including her parents, escape to freedom in either canada or the north
  • Dredd Scott case

    Dredd scott was slave who wanted freedom because he had lived in Illinois a free state. he was ruled against and it was decided that enslaved cant make law suits
  • Industrial Revolution

    The debate of whether slave life in the south or factory life in the north was worse.
  • The Free-Soil Party

    Party thats goal was to prohibit slavery in the Western Territories
  • Popular Soverighty

    The right of new states to allow slavery or not
  • Economy

    North and south both ran their economy's differently South=agriculture
  • Protective Tarrif

    North disagreed with south about wether or not they should have a protective tariff.
  • Bleeding Kansas

    kansas fight over proslavery or antislavery for popular soverignity debate