Robert J. Embly

  • Rj Robert J. Embly

    Rj Robert J. Embly
    He was in world war 2
  • Jennifer S. Embly

    Jennifer S. Embly
    my step mom was given birth on this day
  • Robert E. Embly

    Robert E. Embly
    His birth made his mom and dad so happy
  • Ashley L. Lord

    Ashley L. Lord
    My olddess sister was born. In 2008 she went to a foster center. Witch made my life sad and that was the last time I saw my sister.
  • Trent E. Embly

    Trent E. Embly
    Trent was born and made his mom and our dad happy of his birth. In 2011 or 2012 he was sent to a group home. For three months or years growing up he lived with our grandma and grandpa for a little bit and he is also my best freind that i could ever have. He would always play with me and handge out with me and weed always go out for walks and have a hoe bunch of fun together.
  • Robert J. Embly

    Robert J. Embly
    I was born and i got my first dog on my birth day. And 9/11 hppened 7 moths and 2 weeks after my birth.
  • Alex A. S. M. Meyer

    Alex was born we found out he had 80hd.
  • Mersaidie S. Embly

    Mersaidie S. Embly
    Sadies was born and she was little when our dad had gotten custadie of us. She still missess our mom
  • Blake A. Embly

    Blake A. Embly
    Blake was given birth and now i play with him and anoy him more than i play with him
  • Barack Obama

    He became president
  • Mariah C. Ann Embly

    Mariah C. Ann Embly
    She was born and madde the family happy because she is the family angel