Role Models

  • Media effects On Sexual Purity

    One out of five girl have been exposed to unwanted sexual solicitations or approaches. ( ages 10-17)
  • Independence

    -A positive role model for teen girls involve teaches them how to become independent
    -Help them learn how to think for theselves, make rational decisions and judge situations calmy.
  • Self-confidence

    • The time when they are subjected to peer pressure, unrealisstic stantards about body image or other pressures that have to do with trying to fit in becomes a huge problem.
    • When the way you talk to a young woman is positive and supportive, she will earn to inernalize these messages and adopt them as her own.
  • Selflessness and Acceptance of Others

    -Students Also Admired people for their selflessness and acceptance of others who were different from them.
  • Ability to Overcome Obstacles

    • Success is to be measures not so much bt the position that one has reached in life as by the obstavles which one has overcome.
    • Young People not Suprisingly admire people who show them that success is possible.
  • definition of Sexy

    -Seductive images of models in ads, music, and videos showing girls dancing in skirts the size of belts and even video games heroines flauting skimpy outfits are considered a cultural norm in todays twenty-first centurty lifestyle.
  • Commitment to Community

    • Students admire people who served on local boards, reached out to neighbors in need, voted, and were active members of community organizations.
  • Passion and Ability to Inspire

    -Role models show passion for their work and have the capacity ti infect others withtheir passion.
    -Children admire people who act in ways that support their beliefs.
  • The five qualities that matter to teens

    1. Passion and Ability to Inspire
    2. Clear Set of values
    3. Commitment to Community
    4. Selflessness and Acceptance of Others
    5. Ability to Overcome Obstacles