
Russian Gulags

  • Aleksandr Solzhenitzyn born

    Author of The Gulag Archipelago, originally a mathematics major at Rostov University, but he took a correspondence course in literature at Moscow State University.
  • Gulags Started

    No one knows the exact date, just that it was in the year 1919. Your basic criminals would be sent here, such murderers, thieves, along with religious objectors, and outspoken anti-communists.
  • Gulags basic info

    No specific date given, just the decade of the 1930s. They were extremely harsh, prisoners were given inadequate food rations, and the clothing they received weren't exactly up to par. Death occured often because of exhaustion from all the labor they would have to do, and disease.
  • Alexander Solzhenitsyn arrested

    In 1945 Alexander Solzhenitsyn sent a letter to a friend criticizing Joseph Stalin, after he achieved the rank of artillery captain, in the Red Army. And was eventually sent to a Gulag
  • One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich

    written by Alexander Solzhenitsyn after he was released from the Gulag.
  • The Gulag Archipelago

    written by Alexander Solzhenitsyn, and is his most well known novel.
  • Death of Alexander Solzhenitsyn