Russian Revolution

  • Decemborist Revolt

    Decemborist Revolt
    Decembrists were upperclassmen who set up a constitutional monarchy but, they failed in the end. It was considered as an unsuccesful uprising and the people's loyalty was eroding towards the czar. This led to the Russian Revolution and people having hope they could overthrow czar.
  • Nicholas II becomes czar of Russia

    Nicholas II becomes czar of Russia
    Czar Nicholas II inherits the throne when his father died. He has a family and during his heir he makes poor decsions which leds to unhappy people and the Russian Revolution.
  • The Russo Japnese War

    The Russo Japnese War
    Russia and Japan fought for control of Manchuria, Japan won the war because of bigger troops. This led towards the war because two countries were fighting for power and a region in China.
  • 1905 Bloody Sunday

    1905 Bloody Sunday
    Bloody Sunday is the day when protesters walked around the city and got shot and was killed by soldiers. They killed over 100 protestors. This led to the Russian Revolution because the uprises and revolts continued to happen, and more and more people started to dislike Nicholas II.
  • World War I

    World War I
    WorldWar I was the uprise to the Russian Revolution. Czar Nicholas II was a major part in this. He put large amounts of strain on his troops and it impacted them severeky.
  • The March Revolution

    The March Revolution
    The March Revolution started and led to the Russian Revolution when demostrators took the capital called St. Petersburg. While doing this the Russian Provisional Government was created.
  • Czar NicholasI II abdicates the throne

    Czar NicholasI II abdicates the throne
    Czar Nicholas abdicates throne because he was forced to. He was also no longer liable to do it because he was no longer trained and wasn't trusted. When he abdicates the throne he was the last Russian Czar.
  • The Russian Civil War Begins

    The Russian Civil War Begins
    The Russian Civil War didn't fully break out until 1919. Nicholas II finally died. Whites and Reds were torn apart and the treaty splits between the two which starts the war.
  • The creation of USSR

    The creation of USSR
    Treaty was formed to create the USSR which stands for Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. This led to the Russian Revolution because it was the first Russia communist party and the USSR had a lot of power during this time.
  • Vladimir Lenin's death

    Vladimir Lenin's death
    Vladimir Lenin was the leader of the Bolsheviks and he was arrested and exled to Siberia because he abandoned his throne during the war. He dies of a brain hemorrhage when he was 54. All this led to the Russian Revolution because Lenin was working for the other side and left his duties.