Ruth Fernández

By Ruthfer
  • The pragmatic santion was promulgated

    The pragmatic santion was promulgated
    The pragmatic santion was an imperial or royal decree that has the force of law. Which was issued on 29 March 1830 by King Ferdinand VII of Spain.
  • Isabel II started hers reign

    Isabel II started hers reign
    Isabel was proclaimed sovereign on the death of the king with three years
  • Period: to

    First Carlist war

    The First Carlist War was a civil war in Spain. It was fought between two factions over the succession to the throne and the nature of the Spanish monarchy: the conservative supporters of the late king's brother, Carlos de Borbón (Carlists), while the progressive supporters of the regent, Maria Christina, acting for Isabel II of Spain.(isabelinos). The Carlists’ goal was the return to an absolute monarchy, while the Liberals sought to defend the constitutional monarchy.
  • The Royal Statute was published

    The Royal Statute was published
    The Royal Statute of 1834, was a royal charter of the Kingdom of Spain under the rule of Maria Christina, wife of the deceased King Ferdinand VII of Spain, who ruled as Queen Regent during the infancy of her daughter Queen Isabella II of Spain.
  • Confiscation of Mendizábal

    Confiscation of Mendizábal
    The division of land was entrusted to municipal committees, which took advantage of their power to create large lots that were affordable only for very wealthy oligarchs. Small farmers could not enter competitive bids, and the land was bought by nobles and the urban bourgeoisie, preventing the development of a true middle class that could pull Spain out of stagnation.
  • The mutiny of La Granja de San Ildefonso

    The mutiny of La Granja de San Ildefonso
    The mutiny of La Granja de San Ildefonso was an uprising that took place in Spain in August 1836 during the Regency of María Cristina de Borbón in which a group of sergeants of the garrison and the royal guard of the palace of La Granja de San Ildefonso, where the regent was with her five-year-old daughter Isabel, forced María Cristina de Borbón to put the 1812 Constitution back into force.
  • 1837 constitution

    1837 constitution
    The Spanish Constitution of 1837 was the constitution of Spain from 1837 to 1845. Its principal legacy was to restore the most progressive features of the Spanish Constitution of 1812 and to entrench the concepts of constitutionalism, parliamentarism, and separation of powers in Spain.
  • Period: to

    Espartero's regency

    Baldomero Fernández-Espartero y Álvarez de Toro (27 February 1793 – 8 January 1879) was a Spanish marshal and statesman. He served as the Regent of the Realm as well as three times as Prime Minister.
  • Isabel II started reinging with thirteen years.

    Isabel II started reinging with thirteen years.
    Her true reign began with the declaration of the Cortes Generales that her majority reign was to begin when she was thirteen years old.
  • Period: to

    Isabel II reign

    1844 - 1854 : The Moderate decade, a period of conservative retrenchment under the Moderate Party after the passing of the progressive constitution of 1837.
    1854 - 1856 : The Progressive two years, following the unrest of the Vicalvarada, as the Progressive Party attempted to implement the reformist Manzanares manifesto.
    1856 - 1868 : The Liberal Union period, as the Liberal Union government, a centrist coalition.
    1868 : The crisis and downfall of Queen Isabel, leading to her exile.
  • Moderate constitucion was proclaim

    Moderate constitucion was proclaim
    The Spanish Constitution of 1837 was enacted in Spain during the regency of María Cristina de Borbón. It was an initiative of the Progressive Party to approve a constitution of consensus with the Moderate Party to allow the alternation of the two liberal parties to stabilize Magna Carta. It was in force for about 7 years until the Moderate Party imposed its own Constitution in 1845
  • Pascual Madoz General Disentailment Law.

    Pascual Madoz General Disentailment Law.
    During the progressive two-year period, Finance Minister Pascual Madoz carried out a new disentailment that was executed with greater control than that of Mendizábal. All the mainly communal properties of the Town Hall, the State, the clergy and the Military Orders were declared for sale. This was the confiscation that achieved the greatest volume of sales and was more important than all the previous ones.
  • Railway's general law

    Railway's general law
    The Railway Law of 1855 was decisive in promoting the development of the network; this law facilitated the attraction of the foreign capital necessary to carry out the construction, even at the cost of sacrificing the interests of some sectors of Spanish industry, such as the steel industry. According to this law, the concessions would be granted by law, and at the same time a state aid programme was established.
  • Constitution non nata.

    Constitution non nata.
    The Spanish Constitution of 1856 was also known as the "unborn (non nata)", a Republican attempt at reform, because although it was passed by parliament, it was never implemented due to the "counterrevolutionary coup" of General Leopoldo O'Donnell that ended the progressive regime.
  • September revolution

    September revolution
    The Glorious Revolution took place in Spain in 1868, resulting in the deposition of Queen Isabel II. The success of the revolution marked the beginning of the Sexenio Democrático with the installment of a provisional government.
  • Interim government proclamation

    Interim government proclamation
    The Provisional Government (1868–1871) was a provisional government formed in Spain between the overthrow of Queen Isabella II of Spain on 30 September 1868 after the Glorious Revolution, and the inauguration of the new King Amadeo I of Spain before the Cortes on 2 January 1871.
  • Abdication of Isabel II by her son, Prince Alfonso

    Abdication of Isabel II by her son, Prince Alfonso
    Isabel II abdicates from the Spanish throne. After 35 years of convulsive reign and already in exile, the Queen of Spain abdicates in her son Alfonso XII.
  • Amadeo I of Spain begins his reign

    Amadeo I of Spain begins his reign
    Amadeo I was an Italian prince who reigned as King of Spain from 1870 to 1873. The only King of Spain from the House of Savoy,
    He was elected by the Cortes as Spain's monarch in 1870, following the deposition of Isabel II, and was sworn in the following year. Amadeo's reign was fraught with growing republicanism, Carlist rebellions in the north, and the Cuban independence movement. He abdicated and returned to Italy in 1873, and the First Spanish Republic was declared as a result.
  • Alfonso XII returns to govern Spain

    Alfonso XII returns to govern Spain
    After 35 years of convulsive reign and already in exile, Alfonso XII returned to Spain via Barcelona and made his entry into the capital on 14 January. Significantly, only five days later, the first action taken as head of the Spanish state was to march north to direct military operations against the Carlists. Finally, in 1876, the third Carlist war ended and from then on, Alfonso XII began to be popularly known as "the Peacemaker".